kellie grunde

Ms. Kellie

School secretary

Birthday: September 29th

Favorite flower: Lily

Favorite places to shop: Collage, Powells, Target

Favorite places to buy supplies for school: Target, amazon

Favorite Restaurant: Jade, Montelupo, Laughing Planet

Favorite hot drink: Americano with a splash of oat milk

Favorite cold drink: plain black iced tea

Favorite sweet snack: not a huge chocolate fan

Favorite Salty Snack: pretzels

Favorite music and genre: any and all

Favorite author and genre: Fun reads, all genres except sci-fi

Favorite pie, cake, and/or other dessert:  Carrot cake

Favorite luxury or indulgence: Craft supplies and stationary

Food allergies or aversions: none

Favorite Sports teams: WSU cougars, love watching all sports but golf

T-shirt/Sweatshirt size: XL

Other favorites? I love any and all live experiences, especially dance