Julia montejo

Ms. Montejo

2nd grade teacher


Birthday: December 19th

Ms. Montejo's wishlist link 

Wish list items: Octo Lights Florescent light covers (on the Amazon wishlist) to dim the excessively bright overhead lighting in the classroom, floor lamps, ink for an HP Laser Jet P2055dn

Favorite flowers: Tulip, peony

Hobby: Swing dancing, working out, playing ukulele

How I relax: Read and drink coffee

Weekend activities: Going to a play, dancing, coffee shops

Favorite place to shop for yourself: Madewell, Magpie, Target, lots of places!

Favorite gift cards: Visa, food, anything

Favorite restaurant: Dove Vivi, The Observatory, Hungry Heart, Italian, Mexican, anything yummy!

Favorite hot drink: Oat milk latte

Favorite cold drink: AM - Cold brew with oat milk, PM - Kombucha

Favorite sweet snack: Chocolate, pastries, cake, cookies

Favorite salty snack: Pretzels

Favorite music and artist: oldies, 80's, Latin rock

Favorite author and genre: I love books! Mysteries, historical fiction, dramas

Favorite cake, pie, and/or other dessert: Cake, YUM!

Favorite TV Show: El Gran Hotel

Favorite sport: The Olympics

Favorite color: yellow

Favorite animal: flamingo, giraffe

Dislike: Vanilla scent, gum, stickers 

T-shirt/sweatshirt size: XS or kids M/L