Holly Salvatore

Ms. Holly

school psychologist


Wish list: Magnetic file folder holder

Birthday: December 10th

Favorite flowers: Succulents, Stargazer lillies

Favorite place to shop: JoAnn grafts, Target

Favorite place to buy school supplies: Target, Amazon

Favorite restaurant: Off the Griddle, Thunderbird, Chipotle, BoxCar Pizza, Rudy's Pizza

Favorite hot drink: Ciffee with oat milk, tea, coffee, apple cider

Favorite cold drink: LaCriox, Coke, Iced Tea, Iced coffee

Favorite sweet snack: Lollipops, Sour Patch Kids, Jolly Ranchers

Favorite salty snack: Tortilla chips, potato chips

Favorite music and artist: Classic rock

Favorite author and genre: Romance

Favorite cake, pie, and/or other dessert: Vegan cake - especially chocolate, vegan cupcakes, vegan brownies

Favorite luxury/indulgence/treat: Silence, Ha! Cuddle with my cats and son

Dietary preferences: Vegan

Favorite sports teams: SD Padres, Disc Golf - Kristin Tattar

Favorite animal: Cats

Favorite TV show and movie: Top Chef, Pride and Prejudice Series

Hobby(s): Emroidery, disc golf

In my free time: Disc golf. I relax by coloring and reading

T-shirt/sweatshirt size: M/L

Anything else you'd like us to know: Thanks for being such and awesome community