Brittany Sill-Turner

Ms. Brittany

School Counselor

Birthday: March 17th
Brittany's wishlist link 

Wish: Gift cards to distribute to families for food, household and hygiene supplies ($25-$50)

Place(s) you like to shop: Annie Blooms, Thinker Toys, Oodles, Athleta

Fave gift cards: Amazon, Target

Fave place to buy supplies for school: Amazon, Target, College

Fave flower: anything cat friendly

How do I like to relax: Read, Yoga, and massage

Hobbies: LEGO, Yoga, walking, swimming

Restaurant: Muddy Rudder, Bottle Shop,

Hot drink: London Fog or Chai Tea w/ oat milk

Cold Drink: Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks, iced chai or sparkling water and Spindrift

Favorite breakfast: Almond Danish, Muffins

Sweet Snack: Dried fruit, peanut butter flavored things, sour and fruity

Salty Snack: Chips, crackers, trail mix with peanut butter and chocolate

Book Genre: Mystery, Comedy, anything fun and light hearted, and audiobooks

Favorite pie: Fruit filled

Favorite luxury/indulgence/treat: Sweet and sour candy, cookies 

Aversions/allergies: None

Vegetarian/Vegan: Prefer vegetarian

Fave Sports teams: Not partial to any team… Seahawks?!

T-shirt/Sweatshirt size: XS/Small (0-2)

What else would you like us to know about you?  I really enjoy notes and cards from students as well!