Anna Bernardo

Ms. B

Physical education teacher

Birthday: November 10th

Ms. B's wishlist link 

Wishes: Omnikin six ball set (18")

Favorite flowers: Hydrangeas and tulips

Favorite place to shop: Nike, Target, and Nordstrom

Favorite place to buy school supplies: Amazon, US games, and Palos Sports

Favorite restaurant: Bottle Shop, Bamboo, WayHi, OC Taco, Lechon, Limelight, Samurai Lunch Box

Favorite hot drink: Black Coffee,dirty chai, or oat milk chai

Favorite cold drink: Cold brew coffee and flavored sparkling water

Favorite sweet snack: York peppermint patties, dark chocolate

Favorite pie/cake: Rainbow chip cake

Favorite salty snack: pretzel thins, pickle chips, Ketchup chips, popcorn

Favorite authors: Sarah Jio, Fiona Davis, I love to read!

Favorite music: any!

Favorite pie: marionberry or cherry

Favorite luxury/indulgence/treat: salted caramel, pedicures, and facials

Favorite movie: Sandlot

Favorite TV Show: Only Murders

Aversions or allergies: none

Vegetarian/Vegan: none

Favorite sports teams: Beavers, Thorns, Winterhawks, and SF Giants!

T-shirt/sweatshirt size: Women's large

Wish list link: Ms. B's wish list

Anything else you'd like us to know: I greatly enjoy being able to fundraise and purchase things that will help the whole school. Please keep donating your "pop" cans to our bottle drop account.