Alessandro Lizzeri

Stanley G. Ivins '34 Professor of Economics at Princeton University

Laurea, Economics Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Milano, Italy), 1990

Ph.D. Economics Northwestern University, 1995

Princeton University

Department of Economics

Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building

Princeton, NJ 08544


The Selective Disclosure of Evidence: an Experiment

Joint with Agata Farina, Guillaume Fréchette, Alessandro Ispano, and Jacopo Perego

Distentagling Exploration from Exploitation

Joint with Eran Shmaya and Leeat Yariv

Sequential Sampling by Individuals and Groups: an Experimental Stud

Joint with Jimmy Chan, Pellumb Reshidi, Wing Suen, and Leeat Yariv American Economic Review; Insights, forthcoming

Rules and Commitment in Communication

Joint with Guillaume Fréchette and Jacopo Perego. Econometrica 2022

The Political Economy of Debt and Entitlements

Joint with Laurent Bouton and Nicola Persico. Review of Economic Studies, November 2020

Frictions in a Competitive, Regulated Market: Evidence from Taxis

Joint with Guillaume Fréchette and Tobias Salz. Published in AER, Aug 2019

Deliberating Collective Decisions

Joint with Jimmy Chan, Wing Suen and Leeat Yariv. Published in Review of Economic Studies, Apr 2018

Collective Self-Control

Joint with Leeat Yariv. Published in AEJ: Microeconomics, Aug 2017

Government Policy with Time Inconsistent Voters

Joint with Alberto Bisin and Leeat Yariv. Published in AER, Jun 2015

Online appendix

A Quantitative Analysis of the Used-Car Market

Joint with Alessandro Gavazza and Nikita Roketskiy. Published in AER, Nov 2014

Nonlinear Pricing of Storable Goods

Joint with Igal Hendel and Nikita Roketskiy. Published in AEJ: Microeconomics, Aug 2014

Transparency and Economic Policy

Joint with Alessandro Gavazza. Published in Review of Economic Studies, Jul 2009

Addendum to Transparency and Economic Policy

Parental Guidance and Supervised Learning

Joint with Marciano Siniscalchi. Published in QJE, Aug 2008

The Perils of Transparency in Bureaucracies

Joint with Alessandro Gavazza. Published in AER, Papers and Proceedings, May 2007

Storable Good Monopoly: The Role of Commitment

Joint with Paolo Dudine and Igal Hendel. Published in AER, Dec 2006

The Drawbacks of Electoral Competition

Joint with Nicola Persico. Published in JEEA, Dec 2005