Xuhong Li Jacques 李徐泓


Xuhong Li is currently a scientific Researcher at Big Data Laboratory of Baidu Inc. Before that he received his Ph.D degree from Heudiasyc, Univiersité de technologie de Compiègne in France, advised by Yves Grandvalet and Franck Davoine. He earned both his master and bachelor degrees from Beihang University, China. He is interested in and working on Explainable AI and Transfer Learning, as well as Self-Supervised Learning and Multi-Modal Learning, for both computer vision and natural language processing applications. 

He is contributing to the open-source toolkit InterpretDL, which collects many mainstream XAI algorithms.

We are always looking for self-motivated interns. If you are interested in XAI, Data-Centric AI and Self-Supervised Learning, or other related topics, please drop me an email.




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