The Living Room Exchange of Mathematics


What is LivRE?

The Living Room Exchange of Mathematics is a venue for mathematical innovation and collaboration located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mathematicians and math enthusiasts get together with nothing more than a white board (or projector) and an abundance of food and beverage. Our discussion is led by someone new each time with topics spanning pure math, applied math, and mathematics history. Food is served potluck-style and the creator of the most delicious contribution takes home a prize. Below are the summaries and abstracts of past discussions.


February 2025

Speakers: Michael Kopreski & George Shaji

A trip to the zoo of groups

December 2024

Speaker: Misha Sweeney

Random growth: from Tetris and coffee stains to the KPZ universality class

September 2024

Speaker: Daniel Apsley

Moduli spaces: The geometry of geometry

March 2024

Speaker: Daniel Hallman

Variational principles of sentience 

November 2023

Speaker: Savannah Crawford

Knitting 2-manifolds

August 2023

Speaker: Matthew Bertucci

Number theory for probabilists (and applied people too)

April 2023

Speaker: Vivian He

(visiting from UToronto)

Boundaries at infinity and beyond

February 2023

Speaker: Tory Richardson

Birds aren't locally real

November 2022

Speaker: Alicia Lamarche

Derived cats and arithmetic

August 2022

Speaker: Leo Herr

Gopos theory

April 2022

Speakers: Samantha Linn & Rebecca Hardenbrook

Cartographers are flat Earthers & Wordle but for masochists

December 2021

Speaker: Hannah Hoganson

A history of the number zero

November 2021

Speaker: Wesley Hamilton

An exploration of curvature through puzzles and games  

October 2021

Speaker: Jacob Madrid

Scaling laws to model evolution

September 2021

Speaker: Jose Yanez

Where is the algebra and geometry in algebraic geometry?

August 2021

Speaker: Keshav Patel

Existence and effectiveness of mathematics


 February 2025

Speakers: Michael Kopreski & George Shaji

Title: A trip to the zoo of groups

Abstract: Do you like going to the zoo? What if there are no animals, but a *lot* of groups? Like every group. (Not Lie groups, blehh.) And the zoo is actually a really big, weird surface? You'd want to go, right? Well you're in luck. We'll discuss a result of our very own Priyam Patel (and some others) that shows the mapping class group of a *very special* surface contains every countable group. 

Winning potluck contributions: TBD

 December 2024

Speaker: Misha Sweeney

Title: Random growth: from Tetris and coffee stains to the KPZ universality class

Abstract: You thought that everything random converged to the normal distribution if you just added up and divided by root n? Wrong! Not only is there a whole new universality class with a n^{1/3} convergence rate, it's also massive! Ever wondered how to tie together representation theory, stochastic analysis, random matrix theory, and random geometry? KPZ universality provides! BUT WAIT if you call now I will also throw in many minutes of real life visual examples of this phenomenon visually happening in the REAL WORLD.  To summarize, if you wanna learn how to model random growth, understand the frontier of probability theory, and connect multiple worlds of theoretical math in one fell swoop, come to LivRE! 

Winning potluck contributions: Jalapeño cornbread, lemon bars, cheesy potatoes

 September 2024

Speaker: Daniel Apsley

Title: Moduli spaces: The geometry of geometry

Abstract: Algebraic geometry has often been described as the study of solutions to polynomial equations. I'd like to use this talk to pretend we're better than that. Moduli spaces are geometric objects whose points correspond to solutions to a given geometric problem. In this talk, I hope to give many down-to-earth examples of moduli spaces, and how they can shed unique insight into certain problems. If there's time, I'll explain why we polynomial people care about such things and how they fit into modern algebraic geometry. 

Winning potluck contributions: Chickpea curry with pea rice, potato and onion pies & sourdough with vegetable coulis (tied)

 March 2024

Speaker: Daniel Hallman

Title: Variational principles of sentience

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce the work of Karl Friston's free-energy principle - a popular concept in theoretical neuroscience that attempts to explain principles of brain function based on conservation laws and neuronal energy. It rests on advances in statistical physics, theoretical biology, and machine learning to explain a remarkable range of facts about brain structure and function. Furthermore, it also offers a physical explanation of sentience and the 'forces' that underwrite our beliefs, which may ground our mental states and consciousness. To conclude the talk, we will discuss the metaphysical implications of the free-energy principle.

Winning potluck contributions: Eggplant lasagna, Hungarian goulach, ichigo sando

 November 2023

Speaker: Savannah Crawford

Title: Knitting 2-manifolds

Abstract: Anyone who has taken a topology course has discovered the mental gymnastics of visualizing the topological spaces which we study. Since the advent of computer graphics, mathematicians have used technology to aid in this process. In recent years, 3D printing has made this even more useful, but topology is squishy unlike the resulting rigid PLA models. In this talk, we will discover which surfaces can be modeled in $\mathbb{R}^3$ without seams through knitting. These squishy surfaces help both the maker and observers understand the structures of topological spaces which are otherwise mysterious. 

Winning potluck contributions: Tofu with rice and vegetables, apple crisp, miso rice crispy squares

 August 2023

Speaker: Matthew Bertucci

Title: Number theory for probabilists (and applied people too)

Abstract: What does it mean to say "pick a random positive integer?" Can we even put a non-stupid probability measure on the natural numbers? (Spoiler: no.) We'll interrogate what number theorists mean when they say a certain 'percentage' of positive integers has some property like being even, prime, or square-free. We'll also consider some analogous notions for polynomials and draw some (brief, I promise!) connections with algebraic geometry. No knowledge of anything required. Heckling encouraged.

Winning potluck contributions: Stuffed hatch chili peppers, banana cream puff pastry, cheesy potatoes

 April 2023

Speaker: Vivian He (visiting from U Toronto)

Title: Boundaries at infinity and beyond

Abstract: The central idea of geometric group theory is to study groups via their actions on topological spaces. One of the tools often being used is the "boundary at infinity" of topological spaces. In this talk, we will go to infinity and beyond! We will discuss some of the boundary constructions, starting with the classical Gromov boundary on a hyperbolic spaces, to its generalizations such as the Morse boundary and the sublinearly Morse boundary. 

Winning potluck contributions: Cardamom cake, pizza, chocolate pudding

 February 2023

Speaker: Tory Richardson

Title: Birds aren't locally real

Abstract: Quantum mechanics is regarded as the most successful scientific theory ever created, with the power to describe and predict phenomena on the smallest scales known to humans. How could such a precise theory apply to the messy world of biological systems? In this talk, I’ll provide mathematical background on some popular concepts in quantum mechanics (as a casual fan of the field) including, but not limited to, the famous double slit experiment and the curious phenomenon of quantum tunneling. We’ll then see how this theory has been employed to better explain biological processes, from DNA mutations to migratory navigation in birds. Your homework is to read about the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, which proves our universe cannot be both local and real (whatever that means).  

Winning potluck contributions: Mushroom mac & cheese, lemon bars, mapo tofu

 November 2022

Speaker: Alicia Lamarche

Title: Derived cats and arithmetic

Abstract: Starting from the ground up, I'll explain the sort of problems that I enjoy thinking about. This includes but is not limited to: toric varieties, derived categories, and arithmetic properties enjoyed by these objects.

Winning potluck contributions: Enchiladas, tartiflette, miso quinoa salad

 August 2022

Speaker: Leo Herr

Title: Gopos theory

Abstract: Go has been played for over 2500 years, but topoi are forever! We'll start with the rules of the board game, Go, and then discuss what (if anything) this has to do with sheaves. No knowledge of Go or sheaves is expected.

Winning potluck contributions: Mushroom fricassee, Boston cream pie muffins, bread with artichoke dip

 April 2022

Speakers: Rebecca Hardenbrook, Samantha Linn

Title: Cartographers are flat Earthers: change my mind (Rebecca Hardenbrook)

Abstract: If you Google anything related to the accuracy of world maps, you're sure to find many non-rigorous pop-sci links discussing how our two-dimensional depictions of the globe are bad. In this talk, rather than present a thorough and interesting mathematical explanation as to why we suck at making maps, I will instead continue the legacy of the 'Hank-Green'-esque discussions of cartography, focusing on the history of map-making with a hint of math for good measure.

Title: Wordle, but for masochists (Samantha Linn)

Abstract: We all know and love (or hate, or don't care for) Wordle. Each day you have six tries to guess a five-lettered word and after each guess you receive feedback on the accuracy of the letters and their positions. Semantle, on the other hand, is a game in which you try to guess a word of any length. You have any number of attempts, including an 'I give up' button. And the feedback you receive? Merely a score of how semantically 'close' your guess is to the word of the day. In this talk, I will reveal how we compute semantic closeness using a method dubbed 'word embedding'. Following our discussion, we will put our insider knowledge to the test and play the game.

Winning potluck contributions: Biryani, scalloped potatoes, kumquat cheesecake

 December 2021

Speaker: Hannah Hoganson

Title: A history of the number zero

Abstract: Is zero a "Natural Number"? You may have had a professor who has felt very strongly one way or another. In this talk I will give a history of the number 0. I hereby also argue that because zero has a history, it is certainly not a natural number (and Jon is very much correct).  We will begin in ancient Babylon, China and India, won't fret much about the Greeks, and laugh at the Europeans who thought zero was "dangerous Saracen magic." No math training or interest is prerequisite. 

Winning potluck contributions: Indian curry, phyllo mushroom bundles, butter beer

 November 2021

Speaker: Wesley Hamilton

Title: An exploration of curvature through puzzles and games

Abstract: What is curvature? Is it the acceleration one feels when traveling along a surface embedded in 3D? Is it a measure of how distorted equilateral triangles look? Is it a measure of how difficult it is to relocate mass through space? Is it a cohomology class defined for even-dimension manifolds? Yes. In this discussion I'll bring some puzzles and games to explore some of the many facets of curvature. Depending on where the discussion goes I'll also indicate how all of the questions above relate. I will ask questions I know the "answers" to, and I'll ask questions that I don't, and no background in differential geometry, metric geometry, optimal transport, or algebraic topology is required.

Winning potluck contributions: Thai curry, bourbon pecan pie, apple cider sangria

 October 2021

Speaker: Jacob Madrid

Title: Scaling laws to model evolution

Abstract: Life and it’s evolution are arguably the most complex phenomena in the known universe.  Countless functional units interact over enormous spatial and temporal scales to generate a system with unparalleled diversity.  The scope of this complexity suggests that finding quantitative unifying theory in biology may not be possible.  However, many of these complex phenomena scale with size or time according to a surprisingly simple power law.  A recent theory proposes these scaling laws come from a model that describes how essential materials are transported through space-filling branching networks.  These models have been successful in predicting the structure of systems ranging from organisms and ecosystems to cities and corporations.  In this discussion I would like to introduce the basics of such models and explore their utility and potential moving forward. 

Winning potluck contributions: Lasagna, berry egg cake, spicy cheese and rice

 September 2021

Speaker: Jose Yanez

Title: Where is the algebra and geometry in algebraic geometry?

Abstract: "Algebraic geometry is the study of zeros of polynomials” is what you might have heard when in a talk someone introduces a topic about algebraic geometry. After that you feel that you understood everything there was to understand about algebraic geometry, until you ask yourself “what geometry are they talking about and how is this related with algebra at all??" In this talk/performance/live-experience I will present some basic concepts of algebraic geometry that will shed light on these deep questions, and finally uncover the mysteries of this beautiful area of math.No previous knowledge is required and all questions are encouraged.

Winning potluck contributions: Japanese curry, croquets, bean chili

 August 2021

Speaker: Keshav Patel

Title: Existence and effectiveness of mathematics

Abstract: We will think about the existence and effectiveness of mathematics from a philosophical point of view. In lieu of a formal abstract, I have some questions to ponder. Many aspects of math (take the number pi for instance) show up in many different subfields. Is this a coincidence that highlights the beauty of math? A consequence of how we chose to define mathematical principles? A deeper pattern yet to be discovered? Are there any limitations to the potential of mathematics? What about the potential of mathematicians (as a collective, not individual mathematicians)?

Winning potluck contributions: Tiramisu, kunde, focaccia 


Contact Samantha Linn for more information.