Workshop on Physics of Soft, Active and Living Matter

January 7th, 2020

Keyaki Auditorium, Chiba University

Aims and Scope:

Active matter is a fast growing field in non-equilibrium physics across chemistry and biology, and its understanding has spread widely from soft matter to molecular engines and microorganisms.

This workshop "physics of soft, active, and living matter" aims to gather scientists who are developing this fields from physics to biology and even more, and disseminate recent developments, with our invited speakers including Prof. R.D. Astumian (Univ. Maine). We also offer the opportunity to present your work at poster session for further exchange of your idea.

We wish this workshop will open a new collaboration for researchers from multidisciplines to boost the research on soft/active/living matters.


9:30-10:00 Registration

10:00-10:30 Prof. Uchida "Synchronization in active systems by hydrodynamic, long-range and frustrated interactions"

10:30-11:00 Dr. Koyano "Diffusion in crowded colloids of particles cyclically changing their shapes"

11:00-11:30 Prof. Nishiguchi "Novel boundary conditions and topology of bacterial turbulence"

11:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Poster presentation Please find the list of poster presentation below

15:00-15:30 Prof. Ishikawa "Biomechanics can provide a new perspective on microbiology"

15:30-16:00 Prof. Tani "Coiling of a soft rod around a cylinder"

16:00-16:45 Prof. Astumian

16:45-16:50 Closing


Registration (due by 12/20/2019):

Registration Fee: Free

Fill out the form (with/without Poster presentation) from the registration form.

Poster Presentation:

We offer the opportunity for poster presentation at the beginning of afternoon session.

If wish to take this opportunity, please enter the title of your presentation upon filling the registration form.

The list of poster presentation will be announced after closing registration.


  • Keyaki Auditorium (3F Reception Hall), Chiba University/けやき会館 3F, 千葉大学
  • For more details, please find MAP from


  • Yusuke Maeda (Kyushu Univ.)
  • Hiroyuki Kitahata (Chiba Univ.)
  • Shoichi Toyabe (Tohoku Univ.)
  • Yohei Nakayama (Tohoku Univ.)



This workshop is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Molecular Engines(発動分子科学)"