LIVIANAis a decentralised series of exchanges and symposia over two weeks, providing CERN members an opportunity to connect and share.
It is based on the Spanish term LIVIANA which connotes openness, free-floating train of thought, and cheerful spirit.
LIVIANA opens a space where we can feel comfortable and cared for, and where we can listen to each other and learn more about life-projects communally done atCERN.
CERN>is an international network> of 360*researchers, activists, artists and others who are interested in ways of enacting new visions of economy. In particular the network is interested in he productivity of theorizing diverse economies and building more ethical economic and ecological relationships.
CEI is a not-for-profit, member-based organization involving scholars, artists, activists and practitioners from different regions of the world who foster thought and practice to help communities survive well together.
Post on social media your LIVIANA 2023 stories & updates using these hashtags #Liviana2023#CERN#CommunityEconomies
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