The 5th Liverpool Advanced Rhinoplasty Course
Monday 16th - Tuesday 17th September 2024
This is an intensive, highly interactive course which is suitable for higher surgical trainees (ST3 – 8) in Otolaryngology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery, or surgeons (Clinical Fellows, Specialty Doctors, Associate Specialists, Consultants) aiming to learn contemporary techniques in rhinoplasty surgery. The course programme aims to provide a theoretical and practical overview of the aesthetic anatomy of the nose, and surgical principles of hybrid rhinoplasty, dorsal preservation rhinoplasty and closure of septal perforation.
The two-day course will consist of tutorials and supervised cadaver dissection on Thiel embalmed cadavers at the state-of-the-art anatomy laboratory at the University of Liverpool.
Supported by experienced rhinoplasty surgeons, delegates will learn the surgical steps and techniques of rhinoplasty surgery. Cartilage harvesting (conchal bowl, rib) will be included in the learning outcomes, as is hands-on exposure to allograft cartilage. The course aims to cover knowledge and skill competencies required for the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme for higher surgical training.
Key features
Open and closed rhinoplasty techniques
Surgical closure of nasal septal perforation
Hands-on exposure to Piezo technology
Allograft and rib cartilage harvesting
TWO dissectors per workstation
Each station supported with Storz and Medtronic equipment
Hands-on dissector places restricted to SIXTEEN only
Useful for those preparing for the rhinology and facial plastic sections of the intercollegiate examinations
Course fee
£900 (Hands-on)
Observer £375 (Observer)
**Course fee includes refreshments and lunch. Hotel charges are not included**