Enroll Me

Enroll with me today by purchasing a Young Living Premium Starter Kit!

Your starter kit contains 10 essential oils : single and exclusive blends. These carefully selected essential oils that will enable you to get started within your home, and to begin your wellness journey. It also includes an ultrasonic diffuser, product use booklet and from me a Welcome Info Pack +++

In addition to the kit you will gain access to our member "community" groups for support and resources, including a 101 session on how to use your starter kit and oils.

Premier Starter Kit is not the only way to join or to gain access these wonderful wellness products. CONTACT ME & I can help guide you to what meets your needs or that of your family's.

Your first step of your wellness journey is to enroll as a Young Living wholesale member. Why a wholesale member? Member benefits

To self-enroll click on the "Enroll Me Now" button below. This link has been created for your convenience with my referral member details reflected as your enroller & sponsor.

I am so excited for you to join our wellness & oily community

After clicking on “Enroll Me Now” you will be redirect to “Sign Up As: Young Living Wholesale Member”

Here is a Step By Step process on how to complete the sign-up process:

1. Member ticked – Wholesaler 24% off Retail pricing,

2. Enroller ID and Sponsor ID – these fields should be auto-populated for you. If not, then please enter 17501969 in both boxes)

3. Personal Information – fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact information. For U.S. based update country.

4. Sign-in Information – complete Username, Password and Pin fields to create your account and enable you to access the account to order your oils.

5. Select your Premium Starter Kit. For outside select your country. For U.S. based remain on first tab & select kit.

6. Set up your optional Essential Rewards Program. As a Young Living wholesale member, you also have the option to join Young Living’s loyalty program called Essential Rewards (ER). There are many benefits and perks that make it a great loyalty program to be a part of; click here for information on the Essential Rewards program that is free to join.

Why? join the ER loyalty program club - monthly ordering required - it allows you to accumulate reward points that you can redeem for free products - member loyalty gifts at 3 6 9 12 months - receive free oils if you order over a certain amount on an Essential Rewards each month.

To join this optional rewards program, select Yes & Yes and select a template as an interim or customize your ER order for NEXT month with products may want to try. (Next month's can be changed at anytime before next month's shipment)

7. Complete Shipping Address, if it differs from billing address

8. Select shipping method option applicable for your country

9. Enter your payment information

10. Final required step is to CONFIRM YOUR ORDER by clicking on the Activate & Check-out. You need to complete this step for a successful check-out.

Welcome to a healthy world of essential oils and to our community! Please contact me once you are signed up, so that I can ensure you are added to our support resource groups...

Help Me! Enroll Me ASSISTance

I will gladly help you with your enrollment process

Contact me via email or whatsapp me

Alternatively submit "Enroll Assist Form"

Live. Life. with Wellness #ownyourwellness with a healthy lifestyle & mental well-being choices. #ditch&swtich to toxin-free households with natural solutions for you & your family.