Yifeng LIU
I am a Professor at the Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics, Zhejiang University.
My research areas include Algebraic Number Theory, Automorphic Forms and Algebraic Geometry.
I received my doctorate degree from Columbia University in 2012, under the supervision of Shouwu Zhang.
My e-mail address is "liuyf0719[at]zju.edu.cn", and my CV can be found here.
Bessel periods and Selmer groups over ordinary Rankin-Selberg eigenvariety
arXiv:2412.18881[with Yichao Tian and Liang Xiao] Iwasawa's main conjecture for Rankin-Selberg motives in the anticyclotomic case
[with Weizhe Zheng] Enhanced six operations and base change theorem for Artin stacks
arXiv:1211.5948 (the newest version amalgamates 1211.5294 and 1404.1128)
Anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions for Rankin-Selberg product
arXiv:2306.07039, to appear in the Proceedings volume for Bertolini's 60 th birthday[with Yichao Tian, Liang Xiao, Wei Zhang, and Xinwen Zhu] Deformation of rigid conjugate self-dual Galois representations
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 40 (2024) 1599—1644Test functions for trilinear zeta integrals with regular support [in Chinese]
Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 67 (2024) 273—285[with Daniel Disegni] A p-adic arithmetic inner product formula
Inventiones Mathematicae, 236 (2024) 219—371[with Chao Li] Chow groups and L-derivatives of automorphic motives for unitary groups, II
Forum of Mathematics, Pi, 10 (2022) E5[with Yichao Tian, Liang Xiao, Wei Zhang, and Xinwen Zhu] On the Beilinson-Bloch-Kato conjecture for Rankin-Selberg motives
Inventiones Mathematicae, 228 (2022) 107—375Theta correspondence for almost unramified representations of unitary groups
Journal of Number Theory, 230 (2022) 196—224[with Chao Li] Chow groups and L-derivatives of automorphic motives for unitary groups
Annals of Mathematics, 194 (2021) 817—901[with Raphaël Beuzart-Plessis, Wei Zhang, and Xinwen Zhu] Isolation of cuspidal spectrum, with application to the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture
Annals of Mathematics, 194 (2021) 519—584
Fourier-Jacobi cycles and arithmetic relative trace formula (with an appendix by Chao Li and Yihang Zhu)
Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, 9 (2021) 1—147
Mixed arithmetic theta lifting for unitary groups
Simons Symposia, Relative Trace Formulas (2021) 329—350
[with Yichao Tian] Supersingular locus of Hilbert modular varieties, arithmetic level raising, and Selmer groups
Algebra and Number Theory, 14 (2020) 2059—2119Tropical cycle classes for non-Archimedean spaces and weight decomposition of de Rham cohomology sheaves
Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 53 (2020) 291—352 | ErratumBounding cubic-triple product Selmer groups of elliptic curves
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 21 (2019) 1411—1508Monodromy map for tropical Dolbeault cohomology
Algebraic Geometry, 6 (2019) 384—409[with Shouwu Zhang and Wei Zhang] A p-adic Waldspurger formula
Duke Mathematical Journal, 167 (2018) 743—833Hirzebruch-Zagier cycles and twisted triple product Selmer groups
Inventiones Mathematicae, 205 (2016) 693—780Refined Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for Bessel periods
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 717 (2016) 133—194Relative trace formulae toward Bessel and Fourier-Jacobi periods of unitary groups
Manuscripta Mathematica, 145 (2014) 1—69[with Binyong Sun] Uniqueness of Fourier-Jacobi models: the Archimedean case
Journal of Functional Analysis, 265 (2013) 3325—3344On quadratic distinction of automorphic sheaves
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2012 (2012) 5328—5360A non-archimedean analogue of Calabi-Yau theorem for totally degenerate abelian varieties
Journal of Differential Geometry, 89 (2011) 87—110Arithmetic theta lifting and L-derivatives for unitary groups, II
Algebra and Number Theory, 5 (2011) 923—1000Arithmetic theta lifting and L-derivatives for unitary groups, I
Algebra and Number Theory, 5 (2011) 849—921