Chang Liu
I'm an Assistant Professor of Economics at the National University of Singapore. I received my PhD degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020.
My research interest broadly focuses on macro, monetary and macro-finance. I'm currently working on: (i) inflation; (ii) macroeconomic analysis with a regional perspective; and (iii) credit and the macroeconomy. See my CV for more.
Contact: chang.liu AT
Upcoming Talks: CICM at CUHK
Research Papers
"The Uncovered Interest Parity Puzzle, Exchange Rate Forecasting, and Taylor Rules", with Charles Engel, Dohyeon Lee, Chenxin Liu and Steve Pak Yeung Wu. Journal of International Money and Finance, July 2019. [NBER working paper] [link to publisher]
"State-Level Implications of Federal Tax Policies", with Noah Williams. Journal of Monetary Economics, August 2019. [paper] [link to publisher]
"Dynamic Risk Sharing in a Fiscal Union", Oct. 2021. [paper] [superseding "Regional Risk and Aggregate Fluctuations"]
"Understanding Inflation Dynamics: The Role of Government Expenditures", with Yinxi Xie. [paper]
"Public Financing Under Balanced Budget Rules", with Minjie Deng, revise and resubmit at Review of Economic Dynamics. [paper]
International Finance II (undergraduate)
Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics (PhD)