
Confident like Butterfly in "The Little Butterfly that Could"

This month we will be discussing the importance of Confidence and characteristics that contribute to being confident in oneself.  

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Confident like Butterfly

This Month's Featured Text: 

The Little Butterfly that Could

Story and Illustrations by Ross Burach

Support Text: The Little Engine that Could

“I can recognize when a character sets and achieves a goal.”

What are the parts of plot?

Plot is the sequence of events in a story.  

Introduction (Exposition)

The introduction of the story is where we meet the characters and learn about the story's setting.  Ask yourself here, what is the character like?  What are the character's motivations? You can make inferences about what you think will happen in the story.

Rising Action

The rising action is where the action begins.  What is the character doing today?  Who are the other characters in the story and how do they interact? This is where conflict begins to happen.  What little problems start occurring? Can you infer where the story is going next?


The Climax of a story centers around the main problem or conflict that the character has.  Is the conflict Internal (emotional) or External (and outside force like an antagonist)  How is it going to change the character?

An antagonist is the opposing force to the protagonist (main character).  An antagonist can be another character that causes problems for the main character, or it can be an event or natural cause like a storm.

How the character (our protagonist) reacts to this conflict says a lot about the character.  Is the character Kind? Cooperative? Empathetic? Focused? Responsible, Resilient? Or just plain Confident?

Will they take on the challenge and overcome the conflict?

Falling Action  

Falling Action is what happens when the character responds to the conflict. How does he or she react? What do they try to do to resolve the conflict? 


How does the story end?  What does this tell us about our character? Did the character achieve his or her goal?