
WAITLIST CLOSED- Please do not submit your application.

Waitlist Process

In order to satisfy position on waitlist, there is a $50 non-refundable fee due. Once Waitlist Application is submitted, please submit fee via Zelle to email: "LittleGreenGiantsDaycare@gmail.com," or Venmo, username: @LittleGreenGiants or email: "LittleGreenGiantsDaycare@gmail.com," you will then receive confirmation and your current position on the waitlist. Please be sure to add your child's name in the subject line.

When an opening becomes available, all families will be notified of their position on the list. Parents will be offered positions based on their position on the waitlist. Once a position is available, family will have five days to accept or pass offer. A virtual tour and orientation will be conducted and child will complete an "Introduction Day" (half day at Little Green Giants (LGG)). Once LGG approves the family's application and family agrees to move forward with enrollment, then family will continue to complete registration and deposit will be required. Start date will be agreed upon and your spot is secured for upcoming Session. 

Session I 2024: January 2 to May 31, 2024

Session II 2024: June 3 to December 30, 2024

You will remain on the waitlist until you have withdrawn yourself.

If there are any changes to your contact information, please contact Little Green Giants Daycare to update your file.

By completing  this form and submitting waitlist fee, you agree that to continue registration, your child will need to be symptom-free to complete Introduction Day before enrolling. You also acknowledge that your position will be guaranteed at Little Green Giants Daycare, however an exact date or timeframe cannot be guaranteed- only estimated. Please feel welcomed to contact daycare in regards to your position or if you have any questions.