Mohsin Khan: So, when the Quran is recited, listen to it, and be silent that you may receive mercy. [i.e. during the compulsory congregational prayers when the Imam (of a mosque) is leading the prayer (except Surat Al-Fatiha), and also when he is delivering the Friday-prayer Khutbah]. [Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol.9, Pages 162-4]

Brother it is a good thought and touching that you want to listen to the quran whilst working Mashallah may allah reward you abundantly for all your good deeds and efforts.However brother please give this a thought. The Quran metions "and when you listen to the Quran then you should listen to it attentively". Now the question is whilst you are working on your project are you able to give the recitation your full attention? that is listen to it word for word?. The quran is a message to mankind and a healing and mercy from allah. Furthermore it is better that you listen to the quran whilst gaining some benefit from it i.e you try to understand what is being recited hence it is good to listen to the version with audio translation or read the translation whilst listening after each ayat this way you are giving each ayat your full attention. If however you feel that listening to the quran is having it on in the background whilst you are engrossed in your project then the recitation would not be listened to attentively hence may be of little benefit but again as i mentioned this is merely my humble opinion and not from a hadith source so may allah forgive me if i have said something to which i have no right. In my humble opinion this would be close to leaving a quran open in the middle of a room without a reciter who happens to glance at it from time to time and i am sure you would agree that to do this would be disrepectful to a blessed book from allah swt. please forgive me if i have said anything that may offend you i have merely tried to give you an explanation based on logic of the qurans ayat re listening to quran being recited. On the other hand it is up to allah to reward good deeds and actions and it may be that he records your wanting to listen as a good action and rewards you as he pleases. Inshallah there are other brothers on here who are more knowledgeable than me. wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakat and ramadan kareem

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This hadith is evidence that is permissible for us to sit and listen, even request, a person to recite the Quran for us, in order that we might benefit from from its words and ponder upon its meanings; whether collectively or as a single person. The fact that the Prophet (saw) himself enjoys listening to another person recite the Quran and asked a Companion to do so, solely to hear and reflect, should make it clear for us that we are allowed to do the same.

3. We seem to forget a very simple fact. When the Prophet (saw) would receive revelation, he would recite it to the people, whether the people around him were in the dozens, or if it was only one or two members of his family. He (saw) would recite to the masses, or to a few, and they would listen in absolute attentiveness and contemplation. How can it be considered harmful for the Muslims to listen to a reciter recite today as long as we are not replacing obligatory acts or neglecting other aspects of our deen for it.

5. Lastly, one should not make such a gathering a replacement for the obligatory acts, nor raise it to the status of Mustahab (Recommended). It is only at this point that we are in danger of creating an innovation. Rather, we should consider it permissible, as the Prophet enjoyed listening to others recite, and use such an opportunity if we so desire, to truly, deeply, spend some time pondering upon the Quran and its message to us.

I would not listen to it.

Would you listen to something in Arabic if you knew it was constant obscenities, or was the worship of Satan, or was abusing your mother? Even if you didn't understand it?

What we listen to gets into our heads and memories, and outside of comparative studies we should not allow the words of the Koran to find a way into our hearts and memories. There are almost unlimited amounts of Christian material in Arabic, by Copts and other Orthodox Christians, I would listen to that if you want to hear Arabic spoken.

Is it allowed to listen to and read the Quran in a place where music is being played and remain sitting there out of laziness while one could move to a better spot? And if a person did this, is he sinful? And what is the case if one is in a place where he has no control over any of this?

Hearing the Quran offers many benefits for kids, even when they are playing around. Of course, reading the Quran is still better for everyone. You can learn how to read the quran effectively here.

Yes, you can eat while listening to the Quran as long as you pay attention. It is permissible to eat while listening to the Quran in such a way that one is not oblivious to the recital. However, if one pays little attention to the recitation, this is considered disrespectful and should be avoided.

So, can you listen to Quran while working? Yes, you can listen to Quran while working. You are free to listen to the Quran whenever and wherever you choose. However, in order to avoid being a sinner, you need to pay great attention to what is being said.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) used to like listening to the Quran on the spot. According to Al Bukhari and Muslim, Ibn Massoud said that the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) told him:

This rule applies to both those who listen directly to someone reciting the Quran and those who listen via audio, computer, or other devices. Tahara (purity) is necessary before touching or transporting the Quran Book (Mushaf), however.

So, in order to get both the spiritual and physical benefits of listening to the Quran, you need to listen to it in Arabic. It brings peace and tranquility to your mind and soul. Totally worth the shot.

Learning Quran is made easy these days with a lot of sources to learn Quran both online and offline. With facilities like Quran mp3 and Quran Download features on the internet you can learn Quran anywhere, anytime, simply by listening to Quran audio from your smartphone, one of which you can download from

Aside of that, it turns out that listening to Quran give a lot of benefits to your body and soul, as study confirmed. Yes, there is a scientific reason behind this. It was Enrick William Duve, a scientist that discovered that wave sounds can affect the brain positively and negatively. Our brain reacts to the sound differently depending on the vibration it is exposed to. Our brain cells vibrate rhythmically in a balanced way ever since we were babies. If any disorders are to occur on this program, our body will react to a deficiency of immune system and causes diseases.

For Moslems, of course listening to Quran gives a lot more benefits than that. Besides, it is also an act of piety in our religion. The benefits are just the bonus aside of the pleasures from listening to the Quran. Although these benefits do not appear overnight. That goes without saying. They result from continuous listening to the recitation of Holy Quran. So, what are you waiting for? Download Quran and listen to the Quran audio or Quran mp3 to get these fruitful results,!

I know that some of the latter points can be directly attributed to genetics and other factors. However, the fact remains that the Divine words of Allah have their special blessings that yield positive benefits and results even in this world, on both, those who recite them and on those who listen to them.

Rather, the references were provided as proof of the fact that the spoken word or an audible melody does have an impact on human babies, and hence, I wanted to stress how we, as parents, should ensure that our littles ones get to listen to the Quran as soon as they start to hear.

I know that the topic of music makes many tempers flare. I am therefore not going to initiate a jurisprudential discussion on the evidence of its impermissibility here. I believe that intentional listening to music is prohibited in Islam.

I have noticed that when I do end up listening to music, it produces a decidedly detectable negative effect on my heart. The music tries to nestle into the latter and as a result, endeavors to push out the glorious words of the Quran that reside there.

The reason for this is that, as long as they do not give up listening to music, the melodies and words that this music comprises of will continue residing firmly in their hearts, and will prevent the glorious verses of the Quran along with its Divine effects to enter the latter.

On the other hand, the humbling and soul-stirring effect of listening to the melodious verses of the Quran, on the hearts, skins, and eyes of sincere believers, has been mentioned in the Quran itself:

Really helpful post Masha Allah :). I completely agree with your point of view regarding music, and although I am trying to give up ALL music (like, trying not to watch movies/shows with soundtracks and all), I also feel the same constriction, and I cannot stand it when a song is being played anywhere. I just have to get up and ask the restaurant people (if they listen) to turn it off (you should look at their expressions), or completely off. Till I read this post, I thought this happened to nobody else.

The greatest benefit of making an unborn baby listen to the Quran is that there is a very high chance that s/he will turn out to be righteous, obedient, humble, easygoing and religiously inclined as a child and as an adult.

I completely agree with you dear sister Sadaf, music and Quran simply cannot coexist in one heart. I personally enjoy listening to nasheeds with voice and duff because I have always been musically inclined and only recently have given it up, but nothing moves my heart more the recitation of Quran. e24fc04721

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