English 2: Reading & Composition 

Butte College Fall 2023

Dear Student,

I'm Leslie Henson, and I will be your online instructor for English 2. I can't wait to meet you! 

I want you to feel comfortable with our class, so I've put together this site. Please review the information below. If you're viewing this on your phone, bookmark this site for future reference.

Take care, and I look forward to seeing you online!



P.S. If you prefer, you may call me Dr. Henson or Dr. H., if that feels right for you!

About This Class

How and when to attend our first week: 

Our class materials will be open to you on Canvas beginning on Monday, August 27th at 7:00 a.m. You will be expected to log in and begin participating in our course discussions before the end of the day on Tuesday, August 28th. This is so that I know you still intend to attend the course. Since this class is asynchronous, you attend by logging in and participating in the online discussions. 

How this course works: 

Communication Essentials

How to communicate with me:

Canvas Inbox is the best way to communicate with me. You may also email me at hensonle@butte.edu.

You can expect a response within 24 hours on school days (Monday-Friday, except holidays) and within 48 hours on weekends. I am usually much faster than that, however. Monday-Thursday, I'm generally available to respond between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. as well as between 3-5 p.m. On most Fridays, I'm generally available between noon and 5 p.m.  

How to share questions and answers with other students: 

I have created a Q&A Discussion for students to help each other with general questions about the course and assignments. This discussion will always be open for you. I encourage you to share your questions as well as to respond to other students' questions in the Q&A Discussion.

Week One Success Kit

Due dates for week one:

Due by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday 8/29: 

Due by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday 8/31:

Materials you will need for week one:

There is no required textbook for our course. I will provide all of our course readings and videos on Canvas. All videos are captioned, and the readings for the course are provided as accessible Canvas pages AND as files you may download and print if you prefer to read hard copies. 

The Pact

What you can expect of me:

What I will expect of you:

Teaching Philosophy

Learning happens when people feel safe to try new things. You can't feel safe if you're worried about getting laughed at, disrespected, or punished because you made a mistake or interpreted something differently. That's why I actively welcome differences in the classroom! That includes differences of nationality, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, language, immigration status, religious belief, or anything else. Supporting each other's differences improves the learning environment for everyone! We all think differently. Learning different perspectives gives us more ways to understand any topic. So I encourage students to be their bravest, best, most authentic selves in my classes. To make that safe, I make sure everyone is treated with respect, and I grade based on learning and effort over the whole semester, not on what you already know coming in or on one assignment you didn't understand the first time you tried it. By treating everyone respectfully, we can challenge each other to learn and grow together, even when we see things differently.

Course Goals

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

My Advice For Success

From past experiences, the following tips have helped many students be successful in online learning. Here are a few of the tips to help you be successful too! 

Support for You

There are many Butte College support services available to help you succeed in this course. Detailed information is available on the Butte College Campus Resources page.

IT Services and Support provides technical support to students for Canvas, Butte College student email, accessing Password Reset, and more. 

Strategies for Online Success is a Canvas resource that will help you succeed in your Online courses. 

Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) is the office responsible for determining eligibility for academic accommodations and adjustments for students with disabilities.

Examples of academic accommodations and adjustments include:

Locations & Hours:

Main Campus SAS 238, Monday through Thursday: 8am - 5pm and Friday: 8am - 12pm

Chico Center, Wednesday: 7:30am - 12pm

Glenn Center, Wednesday: 1pm - 5pm

Center for Academic Success

The Center for Academic Success (CAS) offers free academic help to all enrolled Butte College students.

To access all services, students register for EDUC 310, which is free, non-graded, and no-credit. Services include:

Locations & Hours:

Main Campus LRC 203, Monday through Thursday: 8am - 5pm and Friday: 8am - 3pm

Chico Center CHC 230, Monday & Tuesday: 8am - 5pm, Wednesday: 11am - 8:30pm, and Thursday: 8am - 12pm

Glenn Center GCC 105, Thursday: 2pm - 5pm

Roadrunner Hub

The Roadrunner Hub Basic Needs Resource Center aims to decrease levels of students' food and housing insecurities so that they can remain in classes to focus on their academic success. 

You may be eligible for the following services:

Location & Hours: CC 116, Monday through Thursday: 7:30am - 5pm and Friday: 8am - 12pm

 Student Health Clinic

Student Health Clinic provides high-quality physical and mental healthcare services for all eligible students in order to encourage wellness and learning.