In Linux/Unix operating system everything is a file even directories are files, files are files, and devices like mouse, keyboard, printer, etc are also files. Here we are going to see the Directory Structure in Linux.

We know that in a Windows-like operating system, files are stored in different folders on different data drives like C: D: E: whereas in the Linux/Unix operating system files are stored in a tree-like structure starting with the root directory as shown in the below diagram.

Linux Download Ftp Directory


We know that Linux is a very complex system that requires an efficient way to start, stop, maintain and reboot a system, unlike Windows operating system. In the Linux system some well-defined configuration files, binaries, main pages information files are available for every process.

To check the Linux directories, open the terminal and execute sudo -s followed by system password to give root privilege. Then after changing the current home directory to the root directory and check the list of all available directories in the base directory as shown below.

When display hidden file and directory in terminal using ls -la it show two directory i.e. . and .. and when list the content of dot(.) directory it contain all file and directories that is in it's parent directory,are it create clone of that file, if yes then there is duplicate files ?

I thought, "oh, ... is it a hard link? I've never really used those." But I tried to reproduce, and it's impossible to create a hard link to a directory. So... I guess I've narrowed this down to things I don't understand. Did I mount my home directory in this other directory somehow?

Since I am more a Linux user rather than a sysadmin, I'd like to know what is the equivalent of, let's say "Active Directory"? My objective is to have my files in any of the machines that I logon in my network.

You either build your own Active Directory-equivalent from Kerberos and OpenLDAP (Active Directory basically is Kerberos and LDAP, anyway) and use a tool like Puppet (or OpenLDAP itself) for something resembling policies, or you use FreeIPA as an integrated solution.

There's also a wide range of commercially supported LDAP servers for Linux, like Red Hat Directory Server. RHDS (like 389 Server, which is the free version of RHDS) has a nice Java GUI for management of the directory. It does neither Kerberos nor policies though.

That said, what your are asking about is more like a fileserver solution than an authentication solution (which is what AD is). If you want your files on all machines you log into, you have to set up an NFS server and export an NFS share from your fileserver to your network. NFSv3 has IP-range based ACL's, NFSv4 would be able to do proper authentication with Kerberos and combines nicely with the authentication options I described above.

If you have Windows boxes on your network, you will want to setup a Samba server, which can share out your files to Linux and Windows boxes alike. Samba3 can also function as an NT4 style domain controller, whereas Samba4 is able to mimic a Windows 2003 style domain controller.

I have tried OpenLDAP and Samba 3.x and both won't give you the centralized authentication that you are looking for. As wzzrd said, Samba 4.x probably will give you that. Samba 3.x domain controller is more like a workgroup option. You still need to create users in Unix/Samba as well as Windows and then map them. In the end I removed OpenLDAP and use only Samba now.

If you're really just trying to share files from one server to a few other machines, you may just want to use something simpler like Samba (especially if you're interoperating with some Windows clients) or NFS shares.

Then you could just use the remote domain administration tools from the first domain joined computer to setup OUs, policies, etc like on any Active Directory domain, with e.g. the Windows RSAT tools, or the linux command line.

SyncThing offers the resilience of having a pseudo-replication solution. If one machine should catch fire, it's not such a trauma. It also offers "versions" so if another machine should change a file,the old file is kept. There are options to restrict this (n-versions, n-days/months, etc.)

Since all other directories or files are descended from root, the absolute path of any file is traversed through root. For example, if you have a file in /home/user/documents, you can guess that the directory structure goes from root->home->user->documents.

The files stored here are NOT cleaned automatically and hence it provides a good place for system administrators to look for information about their system behavior. For example, if you want to check the login history in your Linux system, just check the content of the file in /var/log/wtmp.

For example, if you want to check processor information in Linux, you can simply refer to the file /proc/cpuinfo. You want to check memory usage of your Linux system, just look at the content of /proc/meminfo file.

When you connect a removable media such as USB disk, SD card or DVD, a directory is automatically created under the /media directory for them. You can access the content of the removable media from this directory.

When configuring an application, you can often use /dev/null as config file if you want the application to read an empty file. But, if the application reads a list of files from a directory, you cannot use this trick. You would need to give it an empty directory to read.

I was wondering: does Linux have a default empty directory that can be used for such purposes? I know OpenSSH used /var/empty for a while, and I can of course create an empty dir myself, but maybe the FHS has specified a standard directory for this?

It is common for Linux systems to provide a directory /var/empty, but this directory is not defined in FHS and may not actually be empty. Instead, certain daemons will create their own empty directories in here. For instance, openssh uses the empty directory /var/empty/sshd for privilege separation.

If your need for an empty directory is transient, you can create an empty directory yourself, as a subdirectory of /run or /tmp. If you're doing this outside the program, you can use mktemp -d for this, or use the mkdtemp(3) C function inside your program. Though if you always need the empty directory to be present, consider creating one under /var/empty as openssh does.

For services systemd provides the option PrivateTmp to create private /tmp and /var/tmp directories that are not shared by processes outside of the namespace for that service and which should be empty (initially).

I have been looking but not finding anything... can anyone point me in the right direction for moving the Dropbox folder? I have Ubuntu Server (no Gui) installed and the Dropbox folder (and the two symlinks Dropbox Business created) is located in the home directory. My data is in another directory (seperate hard drive) called Shares. With the receint Dropbox update The symlink I created no longer work and I am dead in the water... Everything I do must be via Command Line...

Also, as moving the Dropbox Folder via the CLI is not supported at this time, you may want to consider unlinking and relinking your account to use the other directory (separate hard drive) - as long as it's of a supported filesystem- upon re-installing.

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Did you try "mount" either the separate drive or directory (using mount --bind) in Dropbox directory (or corresponding subdirectory)? If not yet, try it. Similar example with some additional options could be found. Take a look there.

just so you know the hole setup: I have a small hard drive with the OS and that included my Home directory. The Dropbox folder is located in the Home directory. My Data is located in another directory because it is located on a larger internal drive. So I created a Symlink int he Dropbox folder that points to the lacation of the data file.

Dropbox updated last week and eliminated the functionality of the symlink. My Files at Dropbox are locked up with some kind of error about the file type. I would like to move the Dropbox folder to the directory that the data is on so I can sync up my files since I have no back up or version access now.

I would like to fix my files and then either hand over all of our IT to a IT company or just use Dropbox Business as it was intended and have accounts for everyone in the building instead of using the file server.

I will check out the link. The drives are mounted in the Linux system as they are available to access from other computers in the network. Everything was working fine until until the Update from Dropbox

Walter, if I unlinked and then uninstalled Dropbox then reinstalled it... I still wont have a way to designate where the Dropbox folder is. I have not seen any instructions for deciding where the Dropbox folder would be wile installing.

It seams that is the case... so sad. I might have to fine a 3rd party backup asap. I know it is possible and that someone at Dropbox... since all there servers are Linux... would know how to do it. There is just no documentation on it. I think I am too scared to try the mount thing since it is already mounted... can a drive be mounted in more than one place with out an issue?

Hmm... many things are possible, but if you feel not comfortable yourself in system configuration, better ask some more qualified to lead you. In such a case, you don't have to remount your drive. Use directory binding instead (as I noted above using "mount --bind "). Something else: You have to ensure mount will be performed before every Dropbox application run! Easy way is to include corresponding line in "fstab".

Note: originally this was written to support my answer for Why is the current directory in the ls command identified as linked to itself? but I felt that this is a topic that deserves to stand on its own, and hence this Q&A. 152ee80cbc

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