I've also got a Linux install on an Android tablet using Linux Deploy and also have a LAMP stack installed, so am in a similar position to you. The version of linux that I'm using is Debian Wheezy however so there may be some variation from your exact situation.

Userland is an app to help you set up a container and run applications in it quickly using proot,likes desktop environmentSame with what Linux deploy (same with userland but using chroot not proot) did,but proot doesn't need your phone to be rooted because it doesn't need root authority.

Linux Deploy

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A3:No, Userland is build on termux,Linux deploy is a app using it's own code which helps you set up container with distro installed using chroot quickly,and anlinux is just a guide app to help you with set up a container in termux(proot) quickly

In case some of the required files described above are not installed by make install, you can instruct linuxdeploy to bundle these resources manually. Please see the next section for more information.

linuxdeploy provides different flags to bundle different kinds of resources. Only resources whose destination can be calculated by linuxdeploy can be bundled this way. Additional resources applications need, which linuxdeploy can not know about, must be bundled by hand. However, the most common resources are covered by the parameters.

Bundle icon file. Supported are all formats which the Icon Theme Specification lists. linuxdeploy will automatically calculate the right output path, which depends on file format and resolution. You can specify multiple icons for multiple resolutions in the form of /..

linuxdeploy provides a flexible packaging system for both bundling additional resources that cannot be discovered automatically by linuxdeploy (i.e., plugins loaded during runtime using dlopen(), icon themes, etc.), and to convert the AppDir into an output format such as AppImage.

The plugin system works by calling external executables, hence the only communication linuxdeploy can perform with plugins is via CLI parameters (communication via the stdin/stdout pipes would be a lot more complex to implement for both linuxdeploy and the plugin). Therefore, to influence plugin behavior, plugins may implement environment variables that the user can set before calling linuxdeploy. Examples how this works are shown in the following sections.

You can use the --list-plugins flag to see what plugins are visible to linuxdeploy. This can come in handy when debugging plugin related issues. It lists the name of the plugin (i.e., what linuxdeploy refers to them as), the full path and the API level they implement.

What is the problem?

So, i have installed debian jessie on an old Galaxy s3 lte using linux deploy. It is rooted and busybox is installed. I installed octoprint on this linux server and i connected the printer via usb otg. Dmesg shows that the printer has connected but octoprint doesn't recognize it. I believe the printer is not mounted automatically as dev/ttyUSB0 and i don't know how to do it.

What did you already try to solve it?

I tried adding /dev/tty* as additional ports but nothing changed.

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab, ...)

Latest octoprint version. Printer is Prusa MK2 running 3.10 firmware.

Hello Bogdan. Did you ever resolve this? Is is possible that the linux requires to be on the same partition as the host OS and not on the SD card ? It might also be that the host kernel does not know the serial device.

I was trying to do the same but can't even serve without being root user on my Moto G.

I have linux deploy with Buster installed but installing via git always fails.

What steps did you follow to install OctoPrint on your phone ?

I created octoprint_deploy as a tool for making multiple OctoPrint instances very quickly. It has since morphed a bit into a tool that creates something akin to OctoPi on virtually any linux installation (sorry, no Arch yet) very easily. This includes installation of OctoPrint, mjpg-streamer or ustreamer, haproxy, automatic udev entries based on printer serial number (or physical USB port), and support of automatically setting up USB cameras. It can also be used with OctoPi directly for creating multiple instances.

The workflow is to install linux, prepare the system (this gets needed packages, installs OctoPrint, streamer, etc.), and then to create a template instance with the admin user. This template instance is then used to create one or more instances, as required.

This documentation discusses specific deployment issues for Qt for Linux/X11. We will demonstrate the procedures in terms of deploying the Plug & Paint example application that comes with the Qt source package.

Due to the proliferation of Unix systems (such as commercial Unixes, Linux distributions, and so on), deployment on Unix is a complex topic. Before we start, be aware that programs compiled for one Unix flavor will probably not run on a different Unix system. For example, unless you use a cross-compiler, you cannot compile your application on Irix and distribute it on AIX.

Now, provided that everything compiled and linked without any errors, we should have a plugandpaint file that is ready for deployment. One easy way to check that the application really can be run stand-alone is to copy it to a machine that doesn't have Qt or any Qt applications installed, and run it on that machine.

The Plug & Paint example consists of several components: The core application (Plug & Paint), and the Basic Tools and Extra Filters plugins. Since we cannot deploy plugins using the static linking approach, the executable we have prepared so far is incomplete. The application will run, but the functionality will be disabled due to the missing plugins. To deploy plugin-based applications we should use the shared library approach.

We have two challenges when deploying the plugandpaint application using the shared libraries approach: The Qt runtime has to be correctly redistributed along with the application executable, and the plugins have to be installed in the correct location on the target system so that the application can find them.

To deploy the application, we must make sure that we copy the relevant Qt libraries (corresponding to the Qt modules used in the application), the platform plugin, and the executable to the same directory tree. Remember that if your application depends on compiler specific libraries, these must also be redistributed along with your application. For more information, see the Application Dependencies section.

To verify that the application now can be successfully deployed, you can extract this archive on a machine without Qt and without any compiler installed, and try to run it, i.e. run the plugandpaint.sh script.

We have many sites world-widely, in which a Linux server (tftp, PXE, nfs, dhcp service, http enabled) is used to deploy Linux clients automatically unattended. Now we have a needs to deploy Windows 7 clients. How to do that?

In my opinion, that's actually going to be the most challenging part of the project. If you're new to Windows deployment then you need to do some real development and learning work - especially around Sysprep and automated deployments.

Defender for Endpoint on Linux can be deployed from one of the following channels (denoted below as [channel]): insiders-fast, insiders-slow, or prod. Each of these channels corresponds to a Linux software repository. The instructions in this article describe configuring your device to use one of these repositories.

The installation may take from one to several minutes, depending on the speed of your smartphone. Linux deploy supports multi language interface. You can manage the process of installing the OS, and after installation, you can start and stop services of the new system (there is support for running your scripts) through the UI.

There are multiple ways to deploy a Qt 5 application for desktop Linux systems. One is to create native distribution packages that have dependencies on the distribution's Qt installation, another is to create a self-contained application bundle that contains the application and everything the application needs to run that cannot be expected to be present on each target system, and still another is to create an installer for it.

An existing Kubernetes cluster with at least one node. If you don't have an existing Amazon EKS cluster, you can deploy one using one of the Getting started with Amazon EKS guides. If you're deploying a Windows application, then you must have Windows support enabled for your cluster and at least one Amazon EC2 Windows node.

If you plan to deploy your sample workload to Fargate, then you must have an existing Fargate profile that includes the same namespace created in this tutorial, which is eks-sample-app, unless you change the name. If you used one of the getting started guides to create your cluster, then you'll have to create a new profile, or add the namespace to your existing profile, because the profile created in the getting started guides doesn't specify the namespace used in this tutorial. Your VPC must also have at least one private subnet.

Though many variables are changeable in the following steps, we recommend only changing variable values where specified. Once you have a better understanding of Kubernetes Pods, deployments, and services, you can experiment with changing other values.

Create a namespace. A namespace allows you to group resources in Kubernetes. For more information, see Namespaces in the Kubernetes documentation. If you plan to deploy your sample application to AWS Fargate, make sure that the value for namespace in your AWS Fargate profile is eks-sample-app.

Create a Kubernetes deployment. This sample deployment pulls a container image from a public repository and deploys three replicas (individual Pods) of it to your cluster. To learn more, see Deployments in the Kubernetes documentation. You can deploy the application to Linux or Windows nodes. If you're deploying to Fargate, then you can only deploy a Linux application. ff782bc1db

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