The Linux command line is a text interface to your computer. Often referred to as the shell, terminal, console, prompt or various other names, it can give the appearance of being complex and confusing to use. Yet the ability to copy and paste commands from a website, combined with the power and flexibility the command line offers, means that using it may be essential when trying to follow instructions online, including many on this very website!

To manage a Linux remote machine like a virtual private server (VPS), system administrators commonly use a command-line interface (CLI). While some Linux distributions offer a graphical user interface (GUI), commands are more efficient and flexible with a CLI.

Linux Command To Download File From Server

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To run Linux commands in a remote server, connect via SSH using PuTTY or Terminal. Alternatively, Hostinger VPS hosting users can leverage our built-in Browser terminal to run the commands directly from their web browsers.

Hostinger offers a GPT-powered VPS AI Assistant that lets you easily generate Linux commands to manage your server. It is available in all VPS plans and accessible from the VPS overview side menu in hPanel.

grep searches file patterns. If you are looking for a specific pattern in the output of another command, grep highlights the relevant lines. Use this command for searching log files, specific processes, and more. If you want to see if Apache Tomcat starts up, you might become overwhelmed by the number of lines. By piping that output to the grep command, you isolate the lines that indicate server startup.

The ps command, part of the procps-ng package which provides useful commands for investigating process IDs, shows the status of a running process. Use this command to determine a running application or confirm an expected process. For example, if you want to check for a running Tomcat web server, you use ps with its options to obtain the process ID of Tomcat.

env allows you to set or print the environment variables. During troubleshooting, you may find it useful for checking if the wrong environment variable prevents your application from starting. In the example below, this command is used to check the environment variables set on your application's host.

netstat shows the network status. This command shows network ports in use and their incoming connections. However, netstat does not come out-of-the-box on Linux. If you need to install it, you can find it in the net-tools package. As a developer who experiments locally or pushes an application to a host, you may receive an error that a port is already allocated or an address is already in use. Using netstat with protocol, process and port options demonstrates that Apache HTTP server already uses port 80 on the below host.

A domain name server (DNS) helps resolve a URL to a set of application servers. However, you may find that a URL does not resolve, which causes a connectivity issue for your application. For example, say you attempt to access your database at the mydatabase URL from your application's host. Instead, you receive a "cannot resolve" error. To troubleshoot, you try using dig (DNS lookup utility) or nslookup (query Internet name servers) to figure out why the application can't seem to resolve the database.

These errors could be caused by many different issues. If you can't debug the root cause, reach out to your sysadmin for more investigation. For local testing, this issue may indicate that your host's nameservers aren't configured appropriately. To use these commands, you will need to install the BIND Utilities package.

Traditionally, firewalls were configured on Linux with the iptables command, and while it retains its ubiquity it has actually been largely replaced by nftables. A friendly front-end for nftables, and the one that ships with many distributions by default, is firewall-cmd. This command helps you set up rules governing what network traffic, both outgoing and incoming, your computer allows. These rules can be grouped into zones, so you can quickly and easily move from one set of rules to another, depending on your requirements.

Thanks for pointing that out! It seems that the formatting cut out the difference out. The first command is issued from a local desktop while the second is issued from within the application's VM. The clarification was added to the text.

Of course replace the bracketed [source file], [username] and [destination server] to match your local settings. So if the file was cool_stuff.txt and your username on the remote sever is sanjeev and the destination sever is, the command would be:

Also, the . just indicates the immediate directory path; such as the one you are in right at the moment you run the command or the immediate path that the remote user on the destination server has. But you could also specify a path like /this/path/right/here in the local to remote example:

Now if the remote server does not allow SSH and only SFTP, then SFTP is the way to go. But scp is very useful when you want to just toss a file and not do the whole SFTP process manually from the command line.

If you want to download a file from within the terminal, the wget command is one of the handiest command-line utilities available. This will be one of the important Linux commands you should know when working with source files.

This command was created to convert and copy files from multiple file system formats. In the current day, the command is simply used to create bootable USB for Linux but there still are some things important you can do with the command.

The '/' stands for the root of the file system in linux. So the above command will start from the root and will zip all folders and files recursively. But if you are really interested to have a backup of your system, there are far more better options than zipping files and folders.

The unzip command allows you to extract the content of a .zip file from the terminal. Once again, this package may not be installed by default, so make sure you install it with your package manager.

I'm trying to troubleshoot some issues I've sen with some AWS servers with auto-scaling groups where some images do not show up in Sophos Central. The way it was originally setup was to uninstall and re-install SAV when the auto-scaled instance boots up. I found the KB article for creating a gold image ( -us/133268) and so, as a process of creating the AMI, I'll run the de-register command. I'd like to set up a script which can be deployed to all of these servers to check whether they are registered with Sophos Central. I've checked the SDU and registerMCS command help output but it didn't look like there were any options just to check whether it's registered.

If there's no result from the above command then the machines have successfully registered to Sophos Central. If the any machines other than the Linux gold image give back a result then there is an issue with its re-registration.

The best way is to use screen (on the server) to start a session to run the command in and then disconnect the screen so it will keep running, and you can do other things, or just disconnect from the server. The other option is to use nohup in combination with & so you would have nohup &

The system launches to the (providing either a command-line interface or graphical environment). Changing these targets is outside the scope of this article but is something I cover in How to switch between the CLI and GUI on a Linux server.

The specified commands run as the root user, and are processed in alphabetical order by name. By default, commands run in the root directory. To run commands from another directory, use the cwd option.

You can use the container_commands key to execute commands that affect your application source code. Container commands run after the application and web server have been set up and the application version archive has been extracted, but before the application version is deployed. Non-container commands and other customization operations are performed prior to the application source code being extracted.

The specified commands run as the root user, and are processed in alphabetical order by name. Container commands are run from the staging directory, where your source code is extracted prior to being deployed to the application server. Any changes you make to your source code in the staging directory with a container command will be included when the source is deployed to its final location.

You can use leader_only to only run the command on a single instance, or configure a test to only run the command when a test command evaluates to true. Leader-only container commands are only executed during environment creation and deployments, while other commands and server customization operations are performed every time an instance is provisioned or updated. Leader-only container commands are not executed due to launch configuration changes, such as a change in the AMI Id or instance type.

The highest speed you will see is the maximum speed that your connection and the server's connection can offer. If your connection is 512KB and the place where you are downloading is 400KB, your max connection will be 400KB because it is the max for the server you are downloading from.

You need to have at least 4 or 5 different testing sources to have a more accurate speed. Never test only from the same site as this can be affected by your distance to it, any problem in the server and the connections to it, etc. Always test from different servers.

Actually, Ookla, the provider of Speedtest released a command-line utility that is measuring your speed against a huge number of servers spread around the world. You can find instructions on how to install it on this link and you can use it fairly simple by executing:

The Steam Console Client or SteamCMD is a command-line version of the Steam Client. Its primary use is to install and update various dedicated servers available on Steam using a command-line interface. 006ab0faaa

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