Linksys Live Chat | Customer Service

Chat with Linksys Customer Service

GetHuman always knows the way to live chat with a company like Linksys when it's available. And generally, we can provide talking points and tips to speed up the conversation for a better outcome. In the last 18 months, 3,090 customers have searched for Linksys live chat-based customer support and we have had to tell them some disappointing news: they don't offer customer support though chat. Luckily, there is still a way to get a real human being to help you with your Linksys customer service problem, and that's by calling them on the phone. We provide the best phone number, along with our best information from other Linksys customers and our free tool that helps you skip the waiting on hold part. Find that information above. The reason most customers look to chat with Linksys is because they have setup service, service problem, service cancellation, plan change, overcharge/weird and other customer service issues, but then they usually end up using other tools or information GetHuman provides to actually solve the problem. Since live chat is not available, we recommend that you indicate above what kind of issue you are having. GetHuman can then route you to the best phone or web information for your specific problem. It's hard to tell if companies like Linksys offer customer support over live chat, so we started compiling this information and best alternatives from customers like you. Please keep sharing what you know about contacting Linksys with We and keep sharing with others so we can together make customer service less frustrating.

Contact Linksys

While Linksys doesn't offer live chat, they do have a phone number. In total, there are 3 ways to get in touch with them. The best phone number for Linksys is their customer service phone number 800-326-7114, and you can get the details and use our free call-back service by finding and clicking the link above. Know of other ways to contact Linksys? Or is any of the above information inaccurate? Please let us know so we can continue to share the best information possible with other customers.

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