Following on from an earlier post below. I want to get to a point where I have confidence in the use of Analytics to assess students' engagement with my videos. It appears, in the case of at least one student, that downloads from his embedded viewer used with Chrome are not being counted. So my question is: what determines whether a student uses 'embedded viewer' or 'interactive desktop on demand'? In other words, how is the form of viewer selected? TIA ... Greg

I have done some research. I can confirm the link from Moodle has the word 'viewer' in it. Also, I confirm the sharing settings for the videos in question are for 'specific people', not for "anyone with the link" or "public on the web".

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Regarding the issue with the student whose download stats do not appear to be recorded in the analytics, I confirm the student uses Chrome on a tablet. As you explained, since he is using a mobile browser, a screenshot of his session shows he is using an embedded viewer. He says he watches the video offline, by firstly downloading it from inside the Chrome browser. I suspect many students use Panopto videos in a similar way since the analytics data shows inactivity for a surprisingly large number of students. 0852c4b9a8

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