Lingual Braces Perth

What Are Lingual Braces and How Do They Work? 

In this article, we will explore what lingual braces are, how they work, and why they might be the right choice for orthodontic needs.

Understanding Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces in their function—both are designed to gradually move teeth into better alignment. However, unlike traditional braces that are placed on the front of the teeth, lingual braces are attached to the back side of the teeth. This placement makes them virtually invisible to others, offering an appealing option for those who prefer their orthodontic treatment to remain private.

How Lingual Braces Work

The process of fitting lingual braces begins with the orthodontist taking a precise impression or digital scan of the teeth. This model is used to create customised brackets and wires that will fit the unique contours of the teeth. These custom-made components are crucial because the backside of each person’s teeth has a unique shape—much more so than the front.

Once the braces are ready, the orthodontist will attach them to the back surfaces of the teeth. Lingual braces apply continuous pressure to the teeth, gradually shifting them into the desired position. The adjustments made to the wires and brackets during regular orthodontic visits help control the movement and ensure the treatment progresses as planned.

Advantages of Lingual Braces

Considerations and Care

While lingual braces offer many benefits, there are some considerations to keep in mind,


Lingual braces are a highly effective and aesthetic option for orthodontic treatment. They provide the perfect solution for those who wish to correct their dental alignment discreetly. Although they may require a short period of adjustment and a commitment to meticulous oral hygiene, the benefits of having an unnoticeable treatment often outweigh these challenges. If considering lingual braces, consult with a qualified orthodontist who can provide personalized advice and determine if they are the best option for the orthodontic needs.


1: How often do I need to visit the orthodontist during lingual braces treatment?

The frequency of orthodontic visits can vary based on the specifics of the treatment plan, but typically, one might expect to visit the orthodontist every 4 to 6 weeks. These regular check-ups ensure that the braces are functioning correctly and allow for necessary adjustments.

2: Can lingual braces be used for children?

Lingual braces are generally not recommended for children due to the complexity of application and the level of oral hygiene required. They are more commonly used for adults and older teenagers who have fully developed teeth and are more capable of managing the additional care needed.

3: Are there any alternatives to lingual braces?

Yes, there are several alternatives to lingual braces for those seeking discreet orthodontic treatment. These include clear ceramic braces, which have tooth-coloured brackets, and clear aligners like Invisalign, which are transparent and removable trays custom-made to fit the teeth.

4: Will lingual braces interfere with playing wind instruments or sports?

Lingual braces might initially affect the ability to play wind instruments or participate in certain sports, especially those requiring mouth guards. However, most individuals adjust over time. It’s important to discuss these activities with the orthodontist to receive appropriate guidance and protective solutions.

5: How do I handle emergencies related to lingual braces, like a loose bracket?

If one experiences any emergencies such as a loose bracket or wire, contact the orthodontist as soon as possible. Avoid adjusting the braces to the self, as improper handling might cause further issues or discomfort.