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Ling-Wei Kong's Homepage

I am a Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University working in Prof. Andrew M Hein's lab. I am trying to merge insights and methods from nonlinear dynamics, machine learning, physics, and complex systems to confront ecology's pressing challenges.

I just graduated from my Ph.D. program in July 2023. I was in Prof. Ying-Cheng Lai's research group on chaos at Arizona State University, where I focused on applying machine learning techniques (such as reservoir computing) to problems in the fields of nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, and vice versa, studying problems in machine learning from a dynamic point of view.

My Google Scholar Profile

My GitHub Profile

My Research Gate Profile

My Email: ling-wei.kong@cornell.edu

I'm always eager to discuss research and share simulation codes. Don't hesitate to reach out!


2024.5        Our new paper has been accepted by Nature Communications!

2023.12     Our new paper has been accepted by eLife!

Created in 2023.10.