Unless you actually mean you want all the hashes at 45 at all times. In that case, the closest you'll get is a pattern brush after some effort. And brushes distort around curves. So, I don't know what you'd do in those situations.

Did you know you can use your iPad or iPhone to design beautiful, high-quality brushes from photos of anything that inspires you? Save the brushes to your Creative Cloud Library and access them anywhere across Photoshop and Illustrator!

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Create strokes that resemble those drawn with the angled point of a calligraphic pen and are drawn along the center of the path. When you use the Blob Brush tool, you can paint with a calligraphic brush and automatically expand the brush stroke into a fill shape that merges with other filled objects of the same color that intersect or are adjacent in stacking order.

The Brushes panel (Window > Brushes) displaysbrushes for the current file. Whenever you select a brush in a brushlibrary, it is automatically added to the Brushes panel. Brushesthat you create and store in the Brushes panel are associated onlywith the current file, which means that each Illustrator file can havea different set of brushes in its Brushes panel.

Brush libraries (Window >Brush Libraries > [library]) arecollections of preset brushes that come with Illustrator. You canopen multiple brush libraries to browse through their contents andselect brushes. You can also open brush libraries using the Brushespanel menu.

If you want to apply a different brushto the path and want to use the brush stroke settings used withthe original brush, hold down Alt (Win) or Option (Mac OS) whenclicking the new brush you want to apply.

To draw a closed shape, hold down Alt (Windows)or Option (Mac OS) as you drag. The Paintbrush tool displaysa small loop . Releasethe mouse button (but not the Alt or Option key) when you are readyto close the shape.

tag_hash_107___: To adjust the shape of a brushed path after youfinish drawing it, first select the path. Then position the Paintbrushtool on the path, and drag until the path is the desired shape.You can use the technique to extend a brushed path as well as change theshape of the path between the existing end points.

You can make the brushes you create available for every new document by adding the brush definition to the New Document Profile. For more information on new document profiles, see About new document profiles.

If you do not want to see a seam between the artworkpieces used to create the pattern brush, turn off the Anti-Aliasingoption from Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Illustrator> General > Preferences (Mac OS).

To customize a stroke instance for Art Brushes or Pattern Brushes,click the Options of Selected Objects icon in the Brushes Paneland set the stroke options. For art brush you can set the strokewidth along with flipping, colorization, and overlapping options.For pattern brush, you can set the scaling options along with flipping,fitting, and colorization options.

Creates a brush with random variations in angle, roundness,or diameter. Enter a value in the Variation box to specify the rangewithin which the brush characteristic can vary. For example, whenthe Diameter value is 15 and the Variation value is 5, the diametercan be 10, or 20, or any value in between.

Creates a brush that varies in angle, roundness, or diameterbased on the pressure of a drawing stylus. This option is most usefulwhen used with Diameter. It is available only if you have a graphicstablet. Enter a value in the Variation box to specify how much moreor less than the original value the brush characteristic will vary.For example, when the Roundness value is 75% and the Variationvalue is 25%, the lightest stroke is 50% and the heaviest strokeis 100%. The lighter the pressure, the more angular the brush stroke.

Creates a brush that varies in diameter based on manipulationof the stylus wheel. This option is intended to be used with anairbrush pen that has a stylus wheel on its barrel and with a graphicstablet that can detect that pen.

Creates a brush that varies in angle, roundness, or diameterbased on the tilt of a drawing stylus. This option is most usefulwhen used with Roundness. It is available only if you have a graphicstablet that can detect how close to vertical the pen is.

Thecolors that a scatter, art, or pattern brush paints depend on thecurrent stroke color and the colorization method of the brush. Toset the colorization method, select one of the following optionsin the Brush Options dialog box:

Displays the brush stroke in tints and shades of the stroke color.Tints and Shades maintains black and white, and everything between becomesa blend from black to white through the stroke color. Because blackis added you may not be able to print to a single plate when usingTints and Shades with a spot color. Choose Tints and Shades forbrushes that are in grayscale.

Uses the key color in the brush artwork, as shown in theKey Color box. (By default, the key color is the most prominentcolor in the art.) Everything in the brush artwork that is the keycolor becomes the stroke color. Other colors in the brush artworkbecome colors related to the stroke color. Hue Shift maintains black,white, and gray. Choose Hue Shift for brushes that use multiplecolors. To change the key color, click the Key Color eyedropper,move the eyedropper to the preview in the dialog box, and clickthe color you want to use as the key color. The color in the KeyColor box changes. Click the eyedropper again to deselect it.

Creates a brush with random variations in size, spacing,scattering, and rotation. Enter a value in the Variation box tospecify the range within which the brush characteristic can vary.For example, when the Diameter value is 15 and the Variation valueis 5, the diameter can be 10, or 20, or any value in between.

Creates a brush that varies in angle, roundness, or diameterbased on the pressure of a drawing stylus. This option is availableonly if you have a graphics tablet. Enter a value in the rightmostbox, or use the Maximum slider. Pressure uses the Minimum valuefor the lightest tablet pressure and the Maximum value for the heaviestpressure. When you choose this setting for Diameter, the heavierthe stroke, the larger the objects.

Creates a brush that varies in diameter based on manipulationof the stylus wheel. This option is available only if you have agraphics tablet that has a stylus wheel on its barrel and can detectinput from that pen.

Creates a brush that varies in angle, roundness, or diameterbased on the bearing of a drawing stylus. This option is most usefulwhen used to control the angle of brushes. It is available onlyif you have a graphics tablet that can detect the direction in whichthe pen is tilted.

Creates a brush that varies in angle, roundness, or diameterbased on how the drawing stylus pen tip is rotated. This optionis most useful when used to control the angle of brushes. It isavailable only if you have a graphics tablet that can detect thistype of rotation.

Adjusts the width of the art relative to its original width. You can specify the width using the Width option slider. The art brush Width pop-up menu has pen tablet options for adjusting scale variation, such as Pressure, Stylus Wheel, Tilt, Bearing, and Rotation. The default art brush width is 100%.

If you use the Width tool on a particular Art brush stroke instance, all the tablet data is converted to Width points. Notice that in the Width drop-down list settings, the Width Points/Profiles option is selected.

Determines the direction of the artworkin relation to the line. Click an arrow to set the direction: toplace the left side of the art is the end of the stroke; toplace the right side of the art is the end of the stroke; toplace the top of the art is the end of the stroke; toplace the bottom of the art is the end of the stroke.

Scale Adjusts the size of tiles relative to their original size. Specify the scale using the Scale option slider. The Scale drop-down list for pattern brush tool include pen tablet options for adjusting scale variations, such as Pressure, Stylus Wheel, Tilt, Bearing, and Rotation.

If you use the Width tool on a particular Pattern brush stroke instance, all the tablet data is converted to Width points. Notice that in the Scale pop-up menu for stroke options, the Width Points/Profiles option is selected.

Select brushes from a predefined library or create your ownbrushes from the provided tip shapes such as round, flat, or fan.You can also set other brush characteristics such as bristle length,stiffness, and paint opacity.

A cursor annotator that simulates the tip of an actual brushis displayed when using a tablet and stylus that support rotation.This annotator does not appear when other input devices such asa mouse are used. The annotator is also disabled while using theprecise cursors.

Use the Wacom Intuos 3 or higher tablet with Art (6D) pento explore the full capabilities of the Bristle brush. Illustratorcan interpret all 6-degrees of freedom that this device combinationprovides. However, other devices including the Wacom Grip pen andArt brush pen may not be able to interpret some attributes suchas rotation. These uninterpreted attributes are treated as constantsin the resulting brush strokes.

Bristle brush strokes are made up of several overlapping,filled transparent paths. These paths, like any other filled pathin Illustrator, interact with the paint of other objects, includingother bristle bush paths. However, the fill for strokes does not self-interact.Therefore, layered, individual, bristle brush strokes build up andinteract with each other, but a single stoke scrubbed back and forthin place does not interact with itself and build up.

Brush size is the diameter of the brush. Like a physical media brush, the Bristle brush diameter is measured at the point where the bristles meet the handle (the ferrule). Specify the brush size using the slider or directly entering the size in the available text field. Range can be between 1mm and 10mm. 006ab0faaa

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