September 19, 2023

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

September 19, 2023

Board members present: Rod Hubbard, Jacob Leuenberger, Rose Klein and Brodey Weber. Members present: Jamie & Blaine Van Leeuwen. Becky Cromer and Jennifer Hellwege excused.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting (in July) as printed and emailed. Seconded by Jacob Leuenberger. Approved.

Rod Hubbard read the treasurer’s report as emailed by Jennifer Hellwege. Sandhills Publishing donated $250 for the Pool Party on July 21. We got 13 new members since August 26. Brodey Weber made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Rose Klein gave an overview of the fall garage sales and Goodwill Pick-up. There were about 30 sales, 15 were listed on our website. We had to turn donations away near the end of the Goodwill Pick-up because they ran out of space in the ten bins. Goodwill leaves when bins are full.

Pool Party overview: Next year we need to change the age groups for the Cannonball contest. We need two groups for younger kids because we had way more younger kids. The pool charges $180 plus $1 for each swimmer over 100. Total cost $190 =110 swimmers. Prize winners: Mary King – 2 months free L&W Garbage, David & Wendy Steiner - $25 Hy-Vee Gift Card, Mary Jo Olds – Portable Speaker (West Gate Bank), and Adrienne Riedel – Cooler Pack (Katy Manning).

Brodey Weber suggested that we change the layout of the newsletter to be able to get more ads to help cover the newsletter’s cost. He suggested an article asking residents of the neighborhood to submit story ideas. Brodey said he would need articles by the November meeting.

Brodey said we will lose our recycling facility. The City Council voted seven to one to remove our recycling center. Councilman Brodey Weber was the only vote against.

The nearest recycling facility will be at Northwest High School in Airpark. Once the Northwest location is fully functional, they will start to decommission our site. Seacrest Field and Northwest High School will be the only recycling sites for now. Next year they will add one on the South edge of the city and eventually they will add a fourth location.

People wonder what is being built South of West Highland Blvd. Brodey said any signs that say BIC Construction will be apartments. There will be apartments on both the East and West ends. The White Lotus Construction signage in the middle is the new Department of Motor Vehicles.

Jacob Leuenberger said we should do an article explaining the difference between the Highlands Neighborhood Association and a Homeowner’s Assocation because some people are confused. They think they are HNA members when they are HOA members. Jacob has gotten questions from people who live near the junction of NW 8th and W Cuming where there is an island in the middle of the street. They think the city should provide upkeep of the island and need our help.

We adjourned at 7:50 pm. The next meeting is Tuesday, October 17 at 7 pm at Spirit of Hope Church at 5801 NW 1st St.