June 20, 2023

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

June 20, 2023

Board members present: Beckie Cromer, Rod Hubbard, Brodey Weber, Rose Klein and Jacob Leuenberger. Jennifer Hellwege excused.

Brodey Weber made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Jennifer Hellwege gave the treasurer’s report. We have $1,378.66 in checking and $3,530.37 in savings. We currently have 31 paid memberships. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Brodey Weber. Approved.

Beckie Cromer announced that we collected 4,290 pounds of donations at the 11th annual Goodwill Challenge. Beckie was notified by Alia Hurst, Donation Specialist for Goodwill. This was after they cut down the donation window to one day, Saturday, May 20 from 2-5 pm.

The Pool Party is scheduled on Saturday, August 5 from 6 to 7:30 pm. They charge $185 to rent the pool with a $25 down payment deposit. In the future they will only schedule Sunday pool parties, no Fridays or Saturdays. We will need to bring a check or debit card to pay the pool whatever is still owed after charging non-members $1 swim fee. HNA members swim free.

We will need to collect door prizes for a drawing for HNA members at the Pool Party. Rose Klein will check with L&W Garbage and Hy-Vee. Rod will bring something from West Gate Bank. Brodey Weber said he will check with Huskerville Bar in Airpark. We normally need five or six door prizes so someone will need to check with other merchants in the area.

Rose Klein will purchase and prepare Ball Park Beef hot dogs from Sam’s as well as providing relish, catsup, mustard and onions. Brodey Weber will ask for a donation of 168 hot dog buns and three cases of water from Super Saver. Jennifer Hellwege has offered to contact Coke for a pop donation. Rod Hubbard will contact U-Stop for bags of ice.

Brodey Weber has been elected to the City Council. The Council meets on Monday nights so we have changed our meeting night to the third Tuesday at Spirit of Hope Church at 5801 NW 1st.

The summer newsletter draft would need to be to the printer by June 30 in order to get them back by July 7. Jennifer said that the Scouts said the newsletter could be delivered July 16 or 26. Beckie Cromer asked Brodey Weber if he would consider being the President of the HNA. Brodey said that he could not do it at this time. They will put something in the newsletter to try to get applicants for President or Board members.

Jacob Leuenburger said we need a way to remind people to renew their memberships. Rod made a motion that if you are not a HNA member we will charge $20 to list your garage sale in the Fall Garage Sale listing. That $20 will cover membership for both the Fall and Spring Garage Sales. Seconded by Beckie Cromer. Approved.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to table elections until we have a potential President. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

We adjourned at 8:15 pm. The next meeting is Tuesday, July 18 at 7 pm at Spirit of Hope Church at 5801 NW 1st St.