September 21, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

September 21, 2022

Board members present: Beckie Cromer, Rod Hubbard, Jennifer Hellwege and Rose Klein. Member present: Myrna Coleman. David Staenberg, Brodey Weber and Adam Claypool excused.

Jennifer Hellwege made a motion to accept the July minutes as printed and emailed. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Jennifer Hellwege gave the treasurer’s report. All the summer ads have been paid. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Approved.

Beckie Cromer asked for ideas for improvements in the Highlands area that we could help sponsor with the money we have gotten from the Goodwill Challenge over the last few years. Jennifer will put it on Facebook to ask for ideas from the neighborhood. Rod Hubbard suggested adding more trees to the park and someone else suggested trash cans on either end of the park.

Rod Hubbard said that David Staenberg told him that he would get a list of businesses in the Highland’s area to us. Jennifer Hellwege said that next month she would bring in research on businesses. We are considering starting business memberships in the neighborhood association.

We had 25 garage sale listings on the map for the Fall Garage Sales. We are still considering charging $10 or $20 to put in a garage sale listing, with that money going toward becoming a member of the neighborhood association. We need to find ways to generate new memberships. We currently have only about 40 paid memberships. President Beckie Cromer said that if we had more members we could afford to do more for the neighborhood, like to pay someone to empty garbage cans and dog poo drops at the park since Parks and Rec. cannot afford to do it.

There was a total of 2,175 pounds of donations to Goodwill at the drop-off in the Snap Fitness parking lot. Goodwill limited the hours to 2-4 on both Friday and Saturday. There was only one donor on Friday with one tax receipt given out and twelve donors on Saturday with three receipts given out. Our largest donor was the North American Martyr’s Mother’s group who brought eight SUV’s full of donations.

Beckie Cromer said that starting in January we will not be able to use the Fire Station for meetings. They will no longer let groups use the meeting room. We brainstormed ideas for other meeting places. The Eisley Library closes at 8 pm so we would have to have short meetings. Other suggestions were Fredstrom School, Fountain Glen Apartments or Fallbrook YMCA.

Articles will need to be turned in by the middle of November for the winter newsletter. We also need to find somebody who can take over as social media administrator and handle the garage sale listings, the website and Facebook posts.

We adjourned at 8 pm. The next meeting is Monday October 17 at 7 pm at the Fire Station.