October 17, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

October 17, 2022

Board members present: Beckie Cromer, Rose Klein, Jennifer Hellwege and David Staenberg. Member present: Kevin Simnick. Rod Hubbard, and Brodey Weber excused.

Jennifer Hellwege made a motion to accept the September minutes as printed and emailed. Seconded by Beckie Cromer. Approved.

Jennifer Hellwege read the treasurer’s report. Beckie Cromer sent in a HNA debit card payment for the fall garage sale ad. Rose Klein made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by David Staenberg. Approved.

Discussion of improvements for the south park: Beckie Cromer said that about 20 new trees have been planted in the south park along the hiking trail. David Staenberg said that he would like a bench near the crossroads of the trail. Jennifer Hellwege said that she would meet with Parks & Rec. to find out costs. The subject was tabled until February after we get input from Highland’s residents after the winter newsletter.

The Board discussed posting the newsletter on Facebook. David Staenberg is working on the business list in Lincoln. It has over 1,200 names so he will have to narrow it down to 68521 businesses.

At a past meeting, we discussed doing business memberships. Jennifer said that the Near South Neighborhood charges $20 for a family membership and Irvingdale charges $8 senior, $10 family and $35 sponsor business. The Witherbee Neighborhood newsletter (magazine) charges $75 for a business card plus ad rate.

Beckie said that we might be better off if we identify a project and get donations instead of business memberships. David said that we could possibly get a grant for neighborhood improvements. The Highlands won the Spring Goodwill Challenge with a $500 prize.

Beckie said that we have several possible articles for the winter newsletter: HNA project spotlight, David Staenberg’s spotlight article, Boy Scouts Christmas tree pick-up, Snow Angels, new construction in the neighborhood and a possible business membership drive. We need to get articles to Brodey Weber by mid-November. The Boy Scouts would deliver the newsletters December 3-4 or 10-11.

Jennifer has talked to David Staenberg about possibly taking over as Social Media Coordinator. David said he would think about it and that after the Holidays he could get more involved.

Because the Fire Station will no longer offer their meeting room for neighborhood use, we will probably be at Eisley Library at 1530 Superior if a room is available the 3rd Monday.

We adjourned at 7:55 pm. The next meeting is Monday November 21 at 7 pm at the Fire Station.