May 16, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

May 16, 2022

Board Members present: Beckie Cromer, Rod Hubbard, David Staenberg, Rose Klein and Brodey Weber. Adrianna Bowder absent. Adam Claypool and Jennifer Hellwege excused.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by Brodey Weber. Approved.

Jennifer Hellwege emailed the treasurer’s report. We have $3,510.69 in the Money Market account and $1,424.10 in checking. Myrna Coleman and Jennifer Hellwege were paid for candy they bought for the Egg Hunt. Rod Hubbard made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by David Staenberg. Approved.

The Spring Garage Sales will be this weekend. Board members are needed to staff the Goodwill Pick Up. Rose Klein will be there Friday from 3-5 and Jennifer Hellwege will come as soon as she can. Adrianna Bowder, Adam Claypool and Myrna Coleman will be there on Saturday 2-5.

Beckie Cromer suggested that this fall we start charging non-members of the Neighborhood Association $20 to have us put their garage sale ad on the website. For that $20 they would then become members of the Association. We wouldn’t charge anyone who was already a member.

Beckie Cromer has scheduled the Pool Party for Saturday, July 16 from 6 to 7:30 pm. We will need to get at least five door prizes for a drawing for members who attend. Rod Hubbard will get a prize from West Gate Bank, Rose Klein will contact L & W Garbage Service and Jennifer Hellwege will contact Hacienda Real. We will need two more prizes.

Beckie said that she will contact the firemen to see if they will come to the Pool Party and bring a fire truck and possibly help judge the cannonball contest. The age groups for the Cannonball contest are 12 and under, 13-15, 16-18 and 19 and above.

We will also be collecting supplies for the Pool Party. Rod Hubbard will contact U-Stop for a donation of 18 – 8 lb. bags of ice (150 lbs.), Jennifer Hellwege will contact Coke for the pop donation., Adam Claypool will contact Lay’s for chips, Brodey Weber will contact Super Saver for 21 packages of buns and six cases of water, David Staenberg will contact Hy-Vee for a donation and Rose Klein will purchase hot dogs and fixings and check on squirt guns for kids.

Brodey Weber will be working on the Summer Newsletter. Email ads and stories to Brodey by June 20, he will get it to the printer by the 21st, he will send a copy to proofread by the 26th, he will need edits back by the 28th, they will print it on the 29th and get it to the Boy Scouts for delivery by the 30th. Brodey has planned articles about the Food Bank, an article about Myrna Coleman, the Fall Garage Sales and Goodwill Pick Up, and a letter from Beckie about the new board members. Brodey suggested doing a new neighbor spotlight.

We adjourned at 8:10 pm. The next meeting is Monday, June 20 at 7 pm at the Fire Station.