June 20, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

June 20, 2022

Board Members present: Beckie Cromer, Rose Klein, Brodey Weber, Adrianna Bowder, Jennifer Hellwege, Rod Hubbard and David Staenberg. Members present: Jim Klein and Myrna Coleman. Adam Claypool excused.

Jennifer Hellwege read the treasurer’s report. We have bills of $52 for the Garage Sale ad in the Journal Star and $150 for reserving the Highland’s Pool for the Pool Party. Rose Klein made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Brodey Weber made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by David Staenberg. Approved.

Brodey said that articles for the Spring Newsletter are due this Friday. The Boy Scouts will deliver Independence Day weekend. Brodey said he has articles about the Uncle Sam Jam on July 3rd, the new Food Bank facility on NW 12th St., an article from the president and a tribute to former long-time board members Jim Klein (15 years) and Myrna Coleman (15 years). He has ads from Ascend Chiropractic, Spirit of Hope Church, Katy Manning Realtor, Cattle National Bank, Pizza Hut, YMC and the Martyrs Craft Fair for a total of $350. David Staenberg said that he would talk to State Farm Insurance about an ad.

Beckie Cromer talked about the plans for the Pool Party from 6-7:30 on Saturday, July 16. Beckie has contacted the Fire Department and the fire truck will be at the Pool Party from 6 to 6:30 pm. We are still looking for donations. Rose Klein will contact L&W Garbage, Rod Hubbard will contact U-Stop about 150 lbs. of ice, Brodey Weber is contacting Super Saver for 21 packages of hot dog buns and six cases of water, Jennifer Hellwege will contact Coke for cases of pop and Hacienda Real for a gift card, and David Staenberg will contact Hy-Vee for a donation. We could still use another door prize for members.

Former President Myrna Coleman brought a large tote of prizes for the Cannonball Contest including beach towels and splash guns. Rose Klein will purchase and cook hot dogs and fixings and bring small squirt guns to hand out to the children as they enter. Jim Klein and Jennifer Hellwege will man the check-in table for HNA members who swim for free. Non-members pay $1 to swim.

All members of the board and any other other volunteers should be at the pool by 5:30 pm or sooner to set everything up for the Pool Party. In past years we met at 5:15 pm. The age groups for the Cannonball contest are: 12 and under, 13-15, 16-18 and 19 and above. Before the Pool Party we will need to prepare four prize bags for the four groups to choose from.

The board discussed charging $20 for Highlands’s residents to put a garage sale ad on the HNA website. That $20 would pay for a one-year membership to the HNA. We decided to put this in the winter newsletter and table this until later.

We adjourned at 7:45 pm. The next meeting is Monday, July 18 at 7 pm at the Fire Station.