February 21, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

February 21, 2022

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Rod Hubbard, Jennifer Hellwege, Brodey Weber, Rose Klein and Jim Klein. Beckie Cromer and Adam Claypool excused. We met at Down the Hatch because the Fire Station was not available due to Covid restrictions.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting as printed and emailed. (We did not meet in December and January.) Seconded by Jim Klein. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report. We owe Eagle Printing about $450 and the Boy Scouts haven’t cashed their check. Jim announced that he would be stepping down as Treasurer and board member when we have elections.

Jim Klein made a motion to pay Jennifer Hellwege $30 for our HNA email addresses from Direct NIC and $79.92 for cookies she delivered to the local schools as a good will gesture to show our appreciation for teachers. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Brodey Weber. Approved.

Newsletter: Brodey Weber checked with the Food Bank for an article on their new building on NW 12th Street north of the Airport. He will also have an article about the spring garage sales May 19, 20 and 21. Brodey said he goes through the city press release to see current information for the newsletter. Brodey said that we will have to start getting advertisers and articles for the spring newsletter which will need to come out the first weekend in April.

New Business: We discussed which meeting would be the best to do elections. We decided to do it at the meeting on April 18 after the spring newsletter is out so we can advertise for new board members. Jennifer Hellwege asked that we come up with a job description for Webmaster. Jennifer said that she would be stepping down as Webmaster and would be willing to take over as Treasurer.

Jennifer offered to send invoices to Spirit of Hope, Branched Oak Insurance, Home Real Estate and Fallbrook YMCA for their ads in the winter newsletter. Branched Oak Insurance also owes for the summer 2021 ad.

Jim Klein brought three of the five storage tubs of plastic eggs back to Lincoln so that Lancaster Manor can get started filling them. Jennifer took a tub and some candy home to start filling them. Myrna is looking for individually wrapped candy to fill the eggs. She will check with Super Saver to see if they will donate some candy. Myrna is going to contact Lancaster Manor and ask them if they can start earlier in March so that they have more time. The Egg Hunt is April 16.

We adjourned at 8 pm. The next meeting is Monday, March 21. Place to be determined. Myrna will look for a meeting place if the Fire Station isn’t available.