December 19, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

December 19, 2022

Board members present: Beckie Cromer, Rose Klein, Jennifer Hellwege and Rod Hubbard. David Staenberg and Brodey Weber excused.

Jennifer Hellwege made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by Beckie Cromer. Approved.

Jennifer Hellwege reported on the treasurer’s report. She sent out invoices for the winter newsletter last week. Two of the ads are paid for and we have two new memberships. We owe Eagle Printing $491.66 and $150 to the Boy Scouts. Beckie Cromer made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

Jennifer will check on our tax status. Do we have to pay taxes as a 501C3? Jennifer said she will check with Eagle Printing at 16th and P St to see if there is any way to reduce the cost of printing.

Beckie said that Jillian Sunday asked about our volunteer Social Media Director position. Jillian said that she will try to get to next month’s meeting, Tuesday, January 17th at 7 pm at Eiseley Branch Library at 1530 Superior St. We are meeting on the third TUESDAY, instead of third Monday for the next two months because of holiday scheduling. The library isn’t open on Martin Luther King Day and President’s Day.

We adjourned at 7:40 pm. The next meeting is Tuesday, January 17 at 7 pm at Eiseley Branch Library at 1530 Superior St.