April 18, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

April 18, 2022

Board members present: Rod Hubbard, Jennifer Hellwege, Beckie Cromer, Brodey Weber, Jim and Rose Klein. Guest: Adrianna Bowder. Myrna Coleman and Adam Claypool excused.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by Brodey Weber. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report. The spring 2022 newsletter cost $120 for design, $353.42 for printing and $34.32 tax for a total of $507.74. The board will try to get more ads for the next newsletter to help pay more of the cost of the newsletter. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Beckie Cromer. Approved.

Rod Hubbard commented that the Egg Hunt went well and we had a good turnout. We gave out five prize baskets for each of the four age groups. Rod thanked Beckie Cromer for calling the egg toss game. There were only eight pairs of participants – 16 kids. We received a thank you card from Mike and Anne Staler for our work on the Egg Hunt and for keeping the Neighborhood Association going.

In New Business: The Spring Garage Sales are scheduled for May 19–21. Jennifer Hellwege will put the garage sale ads on the lincolnhighlands.com website. There is also a link from the Lincoln Highlands Facebook page. The Goodwill Pick Up will be in the Snap Fitness parking lot on Friday from 3-5 pm and Saturday from 2-5 pm. The Garage Sale Ad will need to run in the Lincoln Journal-Star from Wednesday through Saturday that week.

Jennifer Hellwege made a motion to rename the Webmaster to Social Media Director. Seconded by Brodey Weber. Approved.

Election of Officers:

President: Beckie Cromer was nominated by Jennifer Hellwege. No other nominations.                 Beckie Cromer is the President by acclamation.

Vice President: Rod Hubbard was nominated by Jennifer Hellwege. No other nominations.                       Rod Hubbard is the Vice President by acclamation.

Treasurer: Jennifer Hellwege was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations.                          Jennifer Hellwege is the Treasurer by acclamation.

Secretary: Rose Klein was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations.                                          Rose Klein is the Secretary by acclamation.

Public Relations Director: Brodey Weber was nominated by Jennifer Hellwege. No other nominations. Brodey Weber is Public Relations Director by acclamation.

Directors: Adam Claypool, Adrianna Bowder and David Staenburg were nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. Adam Claypool, Adrianna Bowder and David Staenburg are Directors by acclamation. The Social Media Director position is vacant.

We adjourned at 7:45 pm. The next meeting is Monday, May 16 at 7 pm at the Fire Station.