October 18, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

October 18, 2021

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Adam Claypool, Rod Hubbard, Beckie Cromer, Rose Klein and Jim Klein. Jennifer Hellwege and Brodey Weber excused. Visitor: Cheyenne Selvy.

Jim Klein made a motion to accept the minutes as printed and emailed. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report. The Boy Scouts haven’t cashed the spring or the summer checks yet. Lancaster Manor has cashed their check. Rose Klein has not been paid for the food for the Pool Party. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

Cheyenne Selvy is the manager of HOTWORX Fitness Studio which is opening up at 643 Fallbrook Blvd. She came to share information about the new Gym/Physical Fitness Center which uses infrared heat absorption while completing a 30-minute isometric workout or 15-min High Intensity Interval Training session. The heat results in a highly efficient workout program.

Myrna Coleman said the main focus of the meeting is to get ads for the winter newsletter. In the past we have had about a dozen ads in each newsletter which paid for the printing and delivery of the newsletter. Brodey Weber had asked if someone else would be responsible for getting the ads. Myrna suggested that we split up the list of advertisers that we have had in previous years and each of us call some of them. Rose Klein will email the list to the board members. Beckie Cromer will be the point person and will collect the ads. Everyone will try to get ads by November 1.

We are also in need of articles to put in the newsletter. The newsletter will need to be delivered the first part of December so the deadline for articles will be the middle of November. Myrna notified the board that her email address has changed. It is mawmawmyrna@outlook.com.

We adjourned at 8 pm. The next meeting is Monday, November 15 at 7 pm at the Fire Station.