June 21, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

June 21, 2021

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Rod Hubbard, Jennifer Hellwege, Brodey Weber and Rose Klein. Guests present: Adam Claypool and Beckie Cromer. Jim Klein excused.

Adam Claypool and Beckie Cromer came to the meeting as prospective new board members. They introduced themselves and the board also introduced themselves and described what we do for the Highlands. Myrna Coleman said that our monthly meetings for the rest of the year are all scheduled at the Highlands Fire Station.

In a change from what was reported last month Myrna Coleman contacted Super Saver for donations. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as printed and emailed with the change. Seconded by Brodey Weber. Approved.

Rose Klein read the treasurer’s report in the treasurer’s absence. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Brodey Weber. Approved.

The Pool Party is scheduled for Saturday, July 24 from 6-8 pm at the Highland’s Pool. The board and any other volunteers need to come to the pool at 5 pm to help set up for the Pool Party.

Myrna has contacted U-Stop to donate ice and Super Saver is donating 21 packages of hot dog buns and three cases of bottled water. Jennifer Hellwege contacted Coke and will pick up the pop donations and is getting a gift certificate from Hacienda Real. Brodey Weber will contact Schilling Bridge for a gift certificate donation. Rod Hubbard will bring a donation from West Gate Bank. Adam Claypool, who is a manager for Lay’s, will donate 200 bags of chips. Rose Klein got gift certificates from Hy-Vee and L&W Garbage. Rose will bring the hot dogs, condiments and chopped onions. Myrna will bring HNA t-shirts for new board members.

Brodey Weber said he will be working on the newsletter with Katie at Eagle Printing. Brodey said he needs articles by July 2nd and he will take care of the ads for the newsletter. Bev Keller wants an ad for the Martyrs Craft Fair on October 2nd.

We discussed asking the neighborhood if they have ideas for using the Goodwill Challenge money. Brodey said we could leave it open-ended to come up with new ideas. Previous ideas were park benches, playground equipment or a new Highlands sign. Some city light poles have neighborhood signs on them. Brodey said he could check with the city if that would be possible.

AARP has financed the installation of a Fitlot with multiuse fitness equipment in Woods Park at 33rd and O Streets. It is next to a playground and close to low and moderate income and senior populations. Fitlots are also planned for Seacrest, Lintel and Cripple Creek parks.

Brodey Weber nominated Adam Claypool and Beckie Cromer as new board members. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

We adjourned at 8:15 pm. The next meeting is Monday, July 19 at 7 pm at the Fire Station.