April 19, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

April 19, 2021

Board members present: Rod Hubbard, Brodey Weber, Jennifer Hellwege, Rose Klein and Jim Klein. Myrna Coleman excused.

Jim Klein made a motion to accept the minutes of the March meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by Jennifer Hellwege. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report. Rod Hubbard made a motion to pay Lancaster Manor $100 and the Boy Scouts $150, and pay Jennifer Hellwege for the yearly fee for the domain name for the association. Seconded by Jim Klein. Approved.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and allow one signature on the next four checks (because Myrna is out of state). Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to pay Brodey Weber back for the costs of the printing and design of the newsletter. (Printing costs were about $244, design costs $65. Total amount $310.87). Seconded by Jennifer Hellwege. Approved.

Rod Hubbard reported that the Egg Hunt went well. The weather was nice and approximately 400 people attended. Rod said that we need to remember to get new batteries for the bull horn each year before the Egg Hunt. Connie Dittoe helped with the Egg Hunt. Emerson Morse and Bristol Mika were the young ladies who won the egg toss.

Brodey Weber said that the next newsletter will be the bigger size 11x14 tri-fold with advertisers. The first newsletter that Brodey did for the Egg Hunt was 8 1/2x11 folded in half and did not have any ads. The next newsletter should come out before the Pool Party which has not been scheduled yet due to problems with staffing the public pools.

Brodey said that we need to get new people involved with the Association. Maybe we should do events for our monthly meetings. He said we could advertise our events on Facebook and the lincolnhighlands.com website. Myrna will put the garage sales ad in the Journal/Star.

Election of Officers:

President: Myrna Coleman was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. Vice President: Rod Hubbard was nominated by Jim Klein. No other nominations. Secretary: Rose Klein was nominated by Jim Klein. No other nominations. Treasurer: Jim Klein was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. Directors: Brodey Weber and Jennifer Hellwege were nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. All who were nominated were elected by acclamation. Brodey will continue as Public Relations Director and Jennifer will continue as Webmaster.

Brodey Weber made a motion to add the Vice President as someone who can be a second signer on the checking account. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

We adjourned at 8 pm. The next meeting is Monday, May 17 at 7 pm at HiPark Clubhouse.