November 18, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

November 18, 2019

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Jennifer Hellwege, Rose Klein and Kris Meek. Rod Hubbard and Jim Klein excused. Brodey Weber absent.

Jennifer Hellwege made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

Rose Klein shared the treasurer’s report. Jennifer Hellwege made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

Myrna Coleman informed us that we have a conflict for the April 20, 2020 HNA meeting at the Fire Station with the Girl Scouts. They have the space reserved until 8 pm that date. The board decided to change the start of that meeting until 8 pm.

Myrna has talked to Mike Petersen with the city’s planning department about the requirements for placing a neighborhood sign. He said that in order to have a neighborhood sign it has to be in a residential area on private property. No signs can be on public land. We had talked about possibly placing a sign at the intersection of Highway 34 and Fletcher. Myrna said that this probably would not work since the only place to put a sign in that area would have to be on Fountain Glen Apartments’ land and that would be so far back from the intersection that it might not serve its purpose.

Mike Petersen said that there was some land on N 1st just before you get to NW 4th that is not owned by the city and we could probably use. Myrna asked if anyone would like to go with her to Mr. Petersen’s office to see the spot on the map and talk to him further.

Mr. Peterson said that if we are interested in getting a sign we should contact a sign company that is licensed by the city to see what our options are. The sign can be no bigger than 32 square feet and no taller than 6 feet total. The sign can have wording on both sides.

Kris Meek got articles for the winter newsletter from City Councilman Tammy Ward, Jennifer and Myrna. Jennifer posted 10 Days of Thanks on the Highlands Neighborhood Association Facebook page.

There are drop-off sites for recycling of holiday light strings, extension cords and miscellaneous wiring until January 5th at all 15 Lincoln Fire Stations and all Super Saver and Russ’s Market locations. The Boy Scouts are collecting live trees for recycling at the curb no later than 9 am on the morning of Saturday, January 4th. Rose Klein said that there is free mulch at the dog run by Oak Lake Park after the trees are ground up.

This meeting adjourned at 8:45. The next meeting will be on Monday, December 16 at 7:30 pm at the Fire Station.