June 17, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

June 17, 2019

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Rod Hubbard, Jim Klein, Rose Klein and Kris Meek. Jennifer Hellwege and Brody Weber excused.

Rod Hubbard read the minutes of the last meeting. He took notes in May since the secretary was out of town. Jim Klein made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as read. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Kris Meek made a motion to put $2,000 in a Money Market Account which pays .35 percent interest and we could close it at any time. Seconded by Jim Klein. Approved.

Discussion of the spring Egg Hunt. The weather was great and we had a large turnout. Next year we will need to bring more eggs and more bags of candy for the egg toss competition. This year we had 2 dozen eggs and 48 prizes and we almost didn’t have enough. The egg toss is supposed to be for fifth grade and up but all ages want to get involved. Our helpers for the Egg Hunt were: Myrna Coleman, Rod, Skye and Renee Hubbard, Jennifer and Alissa Hellwege, Kris Meek, Brody Weber and Rose and Jim Klein.

The board went over the plans for the August 3rd Pool Party and door prizes. Rose Klein will check with Hy-Vee and L&W Garbage, Kris Meek will check with Down the Hatch, Coke for pop donations and LNK Food Plaza for potato chip donations, Rod Hubbard said West Gate Bank would donate something. Myrna Coleman will check on ice from U-Stop and ask the Fire Department to send some firemen and a truck.

Kris Meek said that she will need newsletter stories as soon as possible. The deadline for getting it to the printer is July 12. Rose Klein will purchase and prepare hot dogs and buns from Sam’s Club. Brody Weber has volunteered to be the announcer for the Pool Party.

Highland’s resident Fatima Hamadan has asked for contact information for the Homeowner’s Association that takes care of the detention pond along NW 12th St. The information that we have is Hocking & Ried. LLC, phone number 402-441-0140.

The contact for the Homeowner’s Association for the townhomes West of NW 12th St. is listed as Charlie Peterson 402-261-5931.

This meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. The next meeting will be Monday, July 15 at 7:30 at the Fire Station.