January 21, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

January 21, 2019

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Jim Klein, Rose Klein, Jennifer Hellwege and Kris Meek. The first order of business is Election of Officers:

President: Myrna Coleman was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. Myrna Coleman is the President by acclamation. Vice President: Rod Hubbard was nominated by Jim Klein. No other nominations. Rod Hubbard is the Vice President by acclamation. Treasurer: Jim Klein was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. Jim Klein is the Treasurer by acclamation. Secretary: Rose Klein was nominated by Kris Meek. No other nominations. Rose Klein is the Secretary by acclamation. Directors: Rod Hubbard nominated Jennifer Hellwege and Kris Meek as directors. No other nominations. (There are still two vacancies for director.) Jennifer Hellwege and Kris Meek are Directors by acclamation. Jennifer will continue as Webmaster. Kris will continue as Public Relations Director.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report and reported we have three new memberships. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

Myrna Coleman said that we have gotten a request from someone who has never been to a meeting to be a board member. The requirements in our bylaws are: The person must live in the Highlands, be a member in good standing of the HNA, and must be able to devote time to perform duties. The duties are: must attend at least 75% of meetings, attend at least 50% of HNA events, and serve on committees and other duties as assigned.

Myrna asked for suggestions for Pool Party dates. The dates we came up with are on Saturdays: August 3rd, June 29th, July 20th or July 27th. Myrna will check with Parks and Rec next month.

Myrna plans to attend the third annual Neighborhood Forum will be held on Saturday, February 9 at Candlewood Church at 27th and Y St. This will be a meeting with Parks and Rec, Public Works, Urban Development and Safety. There will be an opportunity to apply for a mini grant.

Myrna and Jennifer met with Parks and Rec in November. Parks 10-year plan for the Highlands’ Park includes A Priority: rehab area lighting along school access route, rehab park pathway, replace half-court basketball court and replace drinking fountain and install a backflow preventer. B Priority: resurface tennis courts and add pickelball court lines and renovate playground. They would like us to fund either a 4-person seesaw or replace two benches.

We adjourned at 8:20 pm. The next meeting is Monday, February 18 at 7:30 at the Fire Station.