September 17, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

September 17, 2018

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Rod Hubbard, Jennifer Hellwege, Rose Klein and Jim Klein.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as emailed and printed. Seconded by Jim Klein. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report. At the July 28

Pool Party we had 95 swimmers who paid $1 each and we paid the difference. The total cost for the pool was $150. James Johnson is a new member. Rose Klein made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Since we do not have an August meeting we reviewed the Pool Party at this meeting. Since the weather was quite cool we were happy with the turn out. There were seven member families that didn’t have to pay to swim. Myrna Coleman said that the cannonball contests had more participants this year and in the balloon toss for younger kids, the water balloons that Kris Meek filled broke better this year. The 164 hot dogs all went, as did all of the potato chips and most of the pop and water. Myrna said that QP Ace donated nine big squirt guns for game prizes.

We held a drawing for door prizes among the member families present. Winners were: Bryan DeGarmo – two camp folding chairs from West Gate Bank, Joy Mace – two months free garbage service from L&W Garbage, John Benes - $25 Hy-Vee Market Grille gift card, James Johnson - $25 Down the Hatch gift certificate and Dianna Wright - $25 QP Ace gift certificate.

The Highland’s garage sales were September 13-15. Jennifer Hellwege listed about 30 garage sales on our website. Myrna worked the Goodwill pick-up by herself on Saturday afternoon and 20 families donated.

Myrna was very happy to see that Public Works has started work on the widening of Fletcher from the intersection of NW 1st and Fletcher Ave up to Hwy 34 to allow for two full lanes North/East bound. At the intersection of West Fletcher and Hwy 34 there will be a left turn lane, one through lane, and one shared through/right turn lane. On Hwy 34 a right turn lane will be added for East bound traffic on Hwy 34 to turn right onto West Fletcher Ave. We hope it will be finished by winter.

Myrna notified us that if you want information about the downtown master plan you should go to

We discussed the pros and cons about having a December newsletter since we no longer have a Lighting Contest to promote. We will make a decision about it at the next meeting.

We adjourned at 8:20. The next meeting is Monday, October 15 at 7:30 pm at the Fire Station.