October 15, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

October 15, 2018

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Rod Hubbard, Rose Klein and Kris Meek.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as emailed and printed. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

In Jim Klein’s absence Rose Klein handed out the treasurer’s report. Rod Hubbard made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Approved.

Old business: Webmaster Jennifer Hellwege is in favor of having a December newsletter to share information with the neighborhood. Kris Meek said that she could do one but would need board members to contribute more stories for the newsletter. The decision was to continue with the practice of putting out a December newsletter. Ideas for stories were: widening of the street from the intersection of NW1st and Fletcher up to Hwy 34, Egg Hunt, garage sales, results of Goodwill donation that earned us the 2nd place prize of $300, thanking Parks and Rec for the new trees in the medians, thanks to door prize contributors, and Boy Scouts recycling Christmas trees.

Myrna Coleman shared information she learned from the Mayor’s Round Table. The city sees a need to define and register neighborhood associations. Dave Landis, Director of Urban Development is supposed to come up with a definition and get back to the Mayor’s Round Table with the information. And on October 25 there will be a public forum at the Unitarian Church at 68th and A Streets on the ballot amendments for Mayoral term limits and Medicare expansion.

There was a discussion among the directors about what is appropriate to post on the Highlands Neighborhood Association web site and Facebook page. The consensus of opinion was to not post if it is for-sale items or business advertising, but to post if it is a non-profit promoting an event or it is something of interest to Highlands’ residents.

We adjourned at 8:30. The next meeting is Monday, November 19 at 7:30 pm at the Fire Station.