May 21, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

May 21, 2018

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Rod Hubbard, Jennifer Hellwege, Jim Klein, Rose Klein and Kris Meek.

Jim Klein made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as emailed and printed. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report and said that all ads for the spring newsletter were paid. Rose Klein made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

Myrna Coleman reported that the Goodwill Pick-up went well. We had nine donors on Friday and 30 donors on Saturday and we filled 20 gaylord receptacles total. We had 56 garage sales listed on the HNA website. Thank you to webmaster Jennifer Hellwege for doing all the listings.

The Highland’s Pool Party is scheduled for Saturday, July 28 from 6 to 8 pm. We need to collect door prizes for member families who come to the Pool Party. Myrna will check with Q.P. Ace Hardware, Rod – Westgate Bank, Rose – Hy-Vee and L & W Garbage and Kris will check with Down the Hatch bar and Hair in the Highlands and Coke. Myrna will check with U-Stop for ice and the local fire station for fireman and their truck and maybe Plugger the mechanical fire truck.

Jennifer sent an inquiry to Public Works to find out the status of road work at the intersection of Fletcher and Hwy 34. They responded that the planned work will include widening of Fletcher from the intersection of NW 1st and Fletcher up to Hwy 34 to allow for two full lanes North/East bound. At the intersection of West Fletcher and Hwy 2 there will be a left turn lane, one through lane, and one shared through/right turn lane. The entire stretch will be overlaid with a new 2.5” asphalt surface after repairing some of the bad base areas. On Hwy 34 a right turn lane will be constructed to all for Eastbound traffic on Hwy 34 to turn right onto West Fletcher Ave. Additionally they are trying to take advantage of economies of scale and modify the intersection of NW 12th and NW 10th to remove the “phantom” lanes that don’t exist at this time.

Public Works is awaiting approval by the NE Department of Transportation for the Hwy 34 turn lane. They hope to be advertising for bids during June. Construction may begin as soon as July or August and they hope to have it complete before winter if the approval process isn’t delayed. Thomas Shafer of Public Works said to contact UPLNK to report issues with traffic and streets.

Kris Meek asked if we could put bat houses in the park. Myrna will call Mark Canney of Parks and Rec to ask him what we can do for the park. We have money that could be used.

Jennifer suggested that she advertise on Facebook and on the website that we have two director vacancies on the board.

We adjourned at 8:30. The next meeting is Monday, June 18 at 7:30 pm at the Fire Station.