June 18, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

June 18, 2018

Board members present: Rod Hubbard, Jim Klein, Rose Klein, Jennifer Hellwege and Kris Meek. Myrna Coleman excused. Members and visitors: Amber Wolff, Toni Molloy and Chrystal Pascoe.

Our visitors came to the meeting to see if we would have any influence with the city to protect their backyards from accidents that take out their fences which back on to the curve on the South side of Fletcher Ave between 5th and 6th. Amber Wolff said that on May 31 a scrap metal truck lost control on the curve, flipped and spilled a trailer full of scrap metal over about three back yards. She said that on March 31 someone slid on the ice on Fletcher and took out their fence. She has lived in the house on Burt for one and one half years.

Toni Molloy said that their fence has been taken out 12 or 15 times in the 26 years she has lived on Burt. She said that delineator posts with curve signs have saved her fence at least once. Toni suggested that the city install a guard rail or additional delineator posts. Rod Hubbard said that Myrna Coleman would talk to her contacts with the city to see what could be done.

Jennifer Hellwege said that Public Works is closer to construction on the widening of Fletcher from the intersection of NW 1st and Fletcher Ave up to Hwy 34 to allow for two full lanes North/East bound. At the intersection of West Fletcher and Hwy 34 there will be a left turn lane, one through lane, and one shared through/right turn lane. On Hwy 34 a right turn lane will be constructed to all for East bound traffic on Hwy 34 to turn right onto West Fletcher Ave. The State has issued the permit for the work and they will start taking bids on Wednesday, June 13.

Correction to May minutes, change Hwy 2 to Hwy 34. Jim Klein made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as corrected, emailed and printed. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report. He said that the Boy Scouts still haven’t cashed their check. Jim Klein made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

Rod read the results of the Goodwill Challenge: In 2018 the neighborhood donated 5,336 lbs. of goods. Our results for other years: 2017 – 8,136, 2016 – 5,240, 2015 – 4,175 and 2014 – 8,123.

Jennifer Hellwege said that she has gotten a request on out Facebook page for the addition of trash cans in the park on the trail, at least at the entrances. We will look into it, but in the past Parks and Rec was not interested in taking on the expense of servicing the trash cans.

Rose Klein said that she would order squirt guns and get the hot dogs, chips and buns for the Pool Party. She said that she would contact Hy-Vee and L & W Garbage for donations for the prize raffle. Kris and Rod said they would check into getting raffle prizes.

We adjourned at 8:20. The next meeting is Monday, July 16 at 7:30 pm at the Fire Station.