January 15, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

January 15, 2018

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Rose Klein, Jim Klein, Kris Meek and Jennifer Hellwege. Rod Hubbard and David Staenberg excused. Keegan Melcher absent.

Because several board members were absent the elections were postponed until the February meeting.

Jim Klein made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as emailed and printed. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report. Kris Meek made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rose Klein. Approved.

*Jennifer Hellwege said that she did set up a Direct NIC group email for the Highlands Board members. Now emails they send to the board will go to all the members of the board.

Myrna Coleman asked if anyone would want to change nights for our meeting night. Was anyone interested in changing the meeting night to Friday night? No decision was made to change the meeting night.

Myrna will get the plastic eggs that Keegan Melcher has been storing since the last Egg Hunt. Soon she will take the eggs and some candy to Lancaster Manor so that the residents can start filling the eggs for the Egg Hunt on March 31.

We adjourned at 8:25. The next meeting is Monday, February 19 at 7:30 at the fire station.

*Correction to minutes made and reflected in February meeting minutes.