February 19, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

February 19, 2018

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Kris Meek, David Staenberg, Rose Klein, Jim Klein, Rod Hubbard and Jennifer Hellwege. The first order of business is Election of Officers:

President: Myrna Coleman was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. Myrna Coleman is the President by acclamation.

Vice President: Rod Hubbard was nominated by Rose Klein. No other nominations. Rod Hubbard is the Vice President by acclamation.

Secretary: Rose Klein was nominated by Kris Meek. No other nominations. Rose Klein is the Secretary by acclamation.

Treasurer: Jim Klein was nominated by Rod Hubbard. No other nominations. Jim Klein is the Treasurer by acclamation.

Directors: Rod Hubbard nominated Kris Meek, David Staenberg and Jennifer Hellwege. No other nominations. They are all Directors by acclamation. Kris Meek will continue serving as Public Relations Director. Jennifer Hellwege will continue as Webmaster.

Correction to the minutes of the last meeting: Jennifer had not completed setting up the group email by the last meeting. Kris Meek made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as printed and emailed and amended. Seconded by David Staenberg. Approved.

Jim Klein read the treasurer’s report and reported that Cattleman’s Bank has not paid for the winter ad. Kris Meek made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved.

The directors discussed the possibility of changing the meeting night because of a conflict David Staenberg has on Mondays. Myrna Coleman checked with the Fire Station and they are booked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights every week. For the time being we will continue having meetings on the third Monday of each month.

Myrna reported that she hasn’t been able to schedule the Pool Party. Parks and Rec. will let us know when Myrna can schedule it with the Highland’s Pool Manager.

The Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, March 31 at 1 pm at the North Highlands Park. Myrna invited the board to her house for an Egg Hunt basket stuffing party at her house on Wednesday, March 28 at 7 pm. Lancaster Manor called Myrna today and they need more eggs to fill. They are ahead of schedule in getting the eggs filled. Myrna said that Super Saver donated 12 bags totaling 3,000 pieces of Tootie Fruities.

The city has introduced UPLNK, a new app to notify the city about streets or sidewalks that need work, potholes, graffiti and any other city complaints. The email is uplnk.lincoln.ne.gov.

We adjourned at 8:35. The next meeting is Monday, March 19 at 7:30 at the Fire Station.