July 17, 2017 Meeting

Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

July 17, 2017

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, David Staenberg, Kris Meek and Rose Klein.

Myrna Coleman announced that we won the spring Goodwill Challenge with a total of 8,421 pounds of goods donated after the spring Highland’s garage sales. We will receive $500 from Goodwill.

David Staenberg made a motion to accept the minutes of the last two meetings as printed. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

David Staenberg made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed and printed and pay all pending bills. Seconded by Kris Meek. Approved.

Pool Party prizes: Hy-Vee donated a $25 Market Café gift card, L & W Garbage donated a 2-month free gift certificate, West Gate Bank donated a soft-side cooler and Marquis Theatres donated 4 movie tickets.

Kris Meek checked with Coke and they will donate soda (2 cases Coke, 1 Diet Coke, 2 Dr. Pepper, 2 root beer, 2 orange and 1 Sprite We will need to pick up the soda on Friday before the Pool Party. Rose Klein purchased 2 cases of bottled water and will purchase 168 Ball Park hot dogs and buns and 200 assorted individual bags of chips. Myrna Coleman already paid $25 to reserve the pool for the down payment. Keegan Melcher will be working out of town so will not be able to help with the Pool Party.

Webmaster Jennifer Hellwege will put up the garage sale listings on our lincolnhighlands.com website. After the fall garage sales Goodwill will set up on Saturday from 3-6 for people’s excess garage sale donations.

We have had requests for information from Highland’s residents on who to contact for information because Allo is putting in underground wire in people’s yards. We gave out the phone number that is listed on their signs.

Kris Meek has attempted to contact the owner of Down the Hatch bar regarding her interest in co-hosting a Block Party next year, but the owner is on vacation and is not easy to reach.

We have been considering whether we need to have a December newsletter since we are not having a Lighting Contest in the future. Myrna said that she will see if Christy Dionospholous of Parks and Rec. will come to the September meeting. (We do not have a meeting in August.)

We adjourned at 8:50 pm. The next meeting is Monday, Sept. 18 at 7:30 pm at the Fire Hall.