李  丽  娜

I am currently a postdoc at Iowa State University, under the supervision of Ryan Martin.

Before coming to Iowa, I was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, Univerisity of Waterloo, under the supervision of Luke Postle. I received my PhD degree in mathematics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in May 2020, under the supervision of József Balogh

My research interests include extremal combinatorics, probabilistic combinatorics, graph colorings, and additive combinatorics. 

I am on the job market this year! Please feel free to contact me if you know any job opportunities or want to know more about me. You can also find my CV here.

Upcoming events:

See Research for the full list of talks.

Useful Links:

Links to Combinatorial Conferences (Provided by Prof. Douglas West)


Office: Carver 441