Registration is open for our Spring

Beginner and Intermediate Classes!

If you haven't taken classes with us before, please create a Spond account so you can register for our classes.

If you already have a Spond account, you do NOT need to make a new Spond account!  You can go straight to the next section and sign up for your classes.

If you need to make a Spond account, we have step-by-step directions here.

If you already have a Spond account, or if you just created one using the directions above, you can now register for your class at:

Here you will see two choices, Beginners and Intermediate.  Scroll down and click "Open" on the class you are registering for.

On the next page you have the choice to pay:

And then choose to pay with your Spond account.

Select the person you are registering from the drop-down:

Select your child's bow type and review and agree to the media waiver.

Click "Add to basket".

Click "Go to shopping basket" if you are ready to pay.

Review your order then click "Go to payment"

Then fill out your credit card information and click "Pay now".

Please note that after you have paid, your spot is secure!  

There is a manual step that we perform to review your application before adding you to the Spond group for your class.  If you experience a delay in being added to the Spond group it does not mean that you haven't reserved your spot in the class.  

Your email receipt is proof of your payment and you have reserved a spot in our classes.  In the unlikely event that we have questions or concerns we will reach out to you to discuss before adding you to the Spond group.